Rick santorum - where he stands


Veteran Expediter
Just curious, after looking at Santorum a little bit - what makes you think he advocates govt. intrusion?

OH ... you serious?

Let's see ...

Santorum has campaigned for support from social conservatives by emphasizing his opposition to abortion. He supports a blanket ban on abortion without exceptions for rape or incest, he has said in public statements.

I don't know about you but having laws means that the government has to enforce them. So this opens the door for medical privacy going out the door but the bigger issue is how will he pull this off without an amendment?

Gay Marriage
Santorum opposes gay marriage and supports amending the Constitution to impose a federal ban on gay marriages. He has argued passage of such an amendment would invalidate existing gay marriages.


Someone like this is just like Obama - no reason to think he is a conservative or anything else but a big government guy who wants to intrude into the lives of the citizen. By the way, I thought this was key to show how was chasing the nut case religious vote.

Federal Courts
Santorum on his campaign website says if elected he would “call on Congress to abolish the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.” Conservatives view the court as excessively liberal and activist.

When someone talks about modifying how our system works, it sends all kinds of flags up and this one alone screams "I don't care about rights".

Santorum in March of 2010 told Bates College students that Islam is stuck in the seventh century and that people who try to modernize Islam “get killed.” When pressed on these remarks during a May debate, Santorum insisted he’s not “anti-Islam,” but recognizes the “reality” that the spreading “version of Islam” practiced in the Middle East “is not going to be one that we can deal with very easily.”

This is the one that gets me the most, I mean I will use my vote for Obama because this statement speaks to me that he doesn't care about what others do with their religious beliefs, the government has to address worship and beliefs. The other side of the coin is that his job as president has to be that to protect the constitution, not apply it to fulfill some religious need for votes and I think he will be the type to attack one religion because of the hatred of that religion.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
" Well, I'm sure you won't mind us having a little fun with you then ."

LOL!! Why not? You do all the time anyway! :p What would be new?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
OH ... you serious?

Let's see ...

Santorum has campaigned for support from social conservatives by emphasizing his opposition to abortion. He supports a blanket ban on abortion without exceptions for rape or incest, he has said in public statements.

I don't know about you but having laws means that the government has to enforce them. So this opens the door for medical privacy going out the door but the bigger issue is how will he pull this off without an amendment?
Further into the statement it states he has also said he would make exceptions for rape, incest and to protect the life of the mother. All that aside, this is just fodder for the conservative base because - as you say in your last sentence - he's not going to do anything about abortion without repealing Roe v Wade, and that's not going to happen any time soon.

Gay Marriage
Santorum opposes gay marriage and supports amending the Constitution to impose a federal ban on gay marriages. He has argued passage of such an amendment would invalidate existing gay marriages.


Someone like this is just like Obama - no reason to think he is a conservative or anything else but a big government guy who wants to intrude into the lives of the citizen. By the way, I thought this was key to show how was chasing the nut case religious vote.
He's chasing the conservative vote which includes the religious vote. There's a lot of religious, semi-religious or Joe Six-Pack people out there that don't approve of gay marriage while at the same time go along with civil unions for homosexual couples. Contrary to what the MSM would have us believe, there's a lot of people that don't go along with the normalization of homosexuality.
Federal Courts
Santorum on his campaign website says if elected he would “call on Congress to abolish the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.” Conservatives view the court as excessively liberal and activist.

When someone talks about modifying how our system works, it sends all kinds of flags up and this one alone screams "I don't care about rights".
People talk about modifying how our system works all the time. If he chooses to CALL ON CONGRESS to abolish the 9th Circuit it sounds like he's talking about letting the system work like it's supposed to. Both Santorum and Gingrich have addressed this issue as they have every right to. If the Congress chooses not to go along with idea, then no harm done. However, it might not be a bad idea to wonder why the 9th Circuit is so much more liberal than the other appeals courts, not to mention their rate of reversals by SCOTUS being 88%.

Santorum in March of 2010 told Bates College students that Islam is stuck in the seventh century and that people who try to modernize Islam “get killed.” When pressed on these remarks during a May debate, Santorum insisted he’s not “anti-Islam,” but recognizes the “reality” that the spreading “version of Islam” practiced in the Middle East “is not going to be one that we can deal with very easily."

This is the one that gets me the most, I mean I will use my vote for Obama because this statement speaks to me that he doesn't care about what others do with their religious beliefs, the government has to address worship and beliefs. The other side of the coin is that his job as president has to be that to protect the constitution, not apply it to fulfill some religious need for votes and I think he will be the type to attack one religion because of the hatred of that religion.
He's made it clear that he values freedom of religion, and recognizes that Islamic radicals shouldn't be mixed into the same recipe as mainstream peaceable Muslims.
From his website:
"Rick Santorum understands that those who wish to destroy America do so because they hate everything we are – a land of freedom, a land of prosperity, a land of equality. Rick knows that backing down to the Jihadists means that we are only putting our foundational principles at greater risk. As an elected representative, Rick knew that his greatest responsibility was to protect the freedoms we enjoy – and we should not apologize for holding true to these principles. That is why Rick refuses to call this a War on Terror, because, like Blitzkrieg, terror is a tactic. Rick believes our nation’s leaders must be honest with the American people and call this war what it is, a War with Radical Islam. Rick saw firsthand during the Bush Administration that without clearly defining who we are fighting and why we are fighting, the American people will never understand the great threat posed by our enemies."

As previously mentioned, Santorum up until now hasn't appealed to me one way or another because he was a non-factor until recently. But with all the sudden squealing from liberals and others about his "radical views" and far right-wing positions I'm curious enough to take a closer look at him and his record - they doth protest too much.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
He doesn't appeal to me either. Just don't have an interest in someone in heavy pursuit of challenging peoples social values.
Too many other things to worry about.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
The problem with Santorum is his blatant hypocrisy. He thinks he can, and wants to insist on defining everyone's values, politically and morally, which, sadly, is quite typical of most Christians in this country. Christians have an insatiable need to tell other people what to do. They can't help it. It's in the Bible. Santorum supports small government and state's rights, yet says the federal government should be in your bedroom and in your business. He complains about socialism while insisting on Big Brother. He's anti-abortion, but doesn't mind the death penalty or reckless war mongering in the least. Are you kidding me? The problems with this are twofold, one that he can't even see his own hypocrisy because he's able to rationalize it in his own mind, which makes him utterly unacceptable for any public office, but especially the presidency, and two that there are many on the far right just like him who can't see it in him, or themselves.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, I dunno what normal is, but I'm not an Obama bum :D .... although given the current state of the GOP, never say never I guess ... :rolleyes:

Well, if you guys grew up whuppin' and poundin' on one another, just think of me as another younger brother :D

An "Obama Bum" has little to do with politics per say but more to do with the idea that everything is owed to you. That it is a right to be cared for by the benevolent government at the expense of hard working people. I doubt very much that you would lower yourself to that existence.

We never did a lot of "whuppin" on each other. My middle brother and I got along pretty well. My younger brother, the Obama Bum, was weird from the get go. We just gave him quarters to go away.


Veteran Expediter
Further into the statement it states he has also said he would make exceptions for rape, incest and to protect the life of the mother. All that aside, this is just fodder for the conservative base because - as you say in your last sentence - he's not going to do anything about abortion without repealing Roe v Wade, and that's not going to happen any time soon.

So I read this -

He supports a blanket ban on abortion without exceptions for rape or incest

What does that mean if there is something different later on somewhere else?

what he supports or what he doesn't doesn't matter in the bigger scheme of things, it the voting public who is so ignorant in how the system works and believes that they can just overturn something without understanding the impact. The real problem here is that the candidate who talks about it needs to be honest and truthful about the issue and stand on the idea that he can't do a thing about it.

The other problem is that for much of the country, it is a non-issue, and there are two ways of moving the country forward on the subject, making it "illegal" is not one of them.

He's chasing the conservative vote which includes the religious vote. There's a lot of religious, semi-religious or Joe Six-Pack people out there that don't approve of gay marriage while at the same time go along with civil unions for homosexual couples. Contrary to what the MSM would have us believe, there's a lot of people that don't go along with the normalization of homosexuality.

Well guess what?

No one seems to care who he needs the votes to win, it is another thing that discourages many who see him running to the religious right to get their approval. Not only in the context of the marriage issue, there is your question -

Just curious, after looking at Santorum a little bit - what makes you think he advocates govt. intrusion?

Isn't this a form of government intrusion?

Sure looks like it to me, as does the Abortion issue. Both scream government intrusion, much more than Obama care is doing.

People talk about modifying how our system works all the time. If he chooses to CALL ON CONGRESS to abolish the 9th Circuit it sounds like he's talking about letting the system work like it's supposed to. Both Santorum and Gingrich have addressed this issue as they have every right to. If the Congress chooses not to go along with idea, then no harm done. However, it might not be a bad idea to wonder why the 9th Circuit is so much more liberal than the other appeals courts, not to mention their rate of reversals by SCOTUS being 88%.

Another ignorant position to take (not you, him), eliminating an entire court because some people don't like the opinions handed down, maybe impeaching the judges and replacing them would have a better effect on it or maybe when these guys retire, put others in place of them. Gingrich rules by demands, his skewed way of looking at things seems to be an issue for most and Santorum is following suit but it begs the question of government intrusion, how far are they willing to go to "correct" things to their liking and I am willing to bet they would go farther than both Wilson and FDR combined.

He's made it clear that he values freedom of religion, and recognizes that Islamic radicals shouldn't be mixed into the same recipe as mainstream peaceable Muslims.

Sorry but here again is the issue, if you are talking about government intrusion, he seems to make the case of it. I mean that ignoring the Christian Radicals, you know those who seem to like to kill over abortion and hate all other religions, there seems to be proof that he either doesn't understand he looks like someone else who ran in '33 or is siding with that "I hate them Muslims" type of voter which is really bad.

As previously mentioned, Santorum up until now hasn't appealed to me one way or another because he was a non-factor until recently. But with all the sudden squealing from liberals and others about his "radical views" and far right-wing positions I'm curious enough to take a closer look at him and his record - they doth protest too much.

Well that's all good and well, but I made my decision when he was debating among his "peers" and saw someone like Romney and the general republican party which we need to get away from. He won't win against Obama, and pretty much Romney won't either so it is rather useless to believe that someone who speaks of these issues like this has a chance unless like I said Obama screws up BIG time and the economy tanks.