Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truck


Expert Expediter
RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc

Dear KWexpress,

You make 5K a week in a TT as a solo? Or a are you talking about team. 3K in expenses? That seems outrageous. Or is this your truck being driven by an employee?



Expert Expediter
RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc

A tad bit of editing...

Companies pay $1.05 a mile, empty or loaded. A lot of expedite companies are paying 22% FUEL SURCHARGE.

I drove a semi for a couple of years. At 32 cents a mile it is bull sh. If you are the owner of the truck and you're making 80 cents or more per mile, you'll be alright. If you're making less, either get a team, or "go expedite". If you own the truck, you should be pulling at least $1.40 per mile. If you're not making that you need to go to expedite.

Right now, with the economy the way it is, and fuel prices, people are only ordering weekly loads. Loads that can be there overnight or expedited are not paying full truckload prices. They can get it cheaper and faster through expedite.

I've been in expedite for 4 years now in straight trucks, team driving, and making big money. I would either trade my semi in, or better yet, have my semi stretched. It costs, with a box, about 20 thousand, but it's well worth it.

Oh, and one other thing, you have to watch who you sign it on with. I would stay away frome the name brand companies like Panther.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc

The "name brand" companies have the majority of customers and freight.
That usually doesn't happen by accident.
With their total amount of trucks, the majority must be making money.
If not, then they wouldn't be "name brand"
Something to consider.

21 years
EO moderator


Expert Expediter
RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc

I just edited that post from above, scroll up and read it. It was challenging just to figure out what he was trying to say.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc

Thanks for the help.
I was alittle slow.
I got it now

Thanks, it was a tough one to read.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc

KW Express
o/o till i die

I gross 5k a week with the tractor but I pay out over 1k a week to the driver,about $300 a day for fuel on days it rolls.and I run a 98 model tractor with 1.3 million miles and a week doesnt go by I dont have to pay out at least $500 in maintance.

I also run a 1990 straight with a 22' box and doing a side by side
I never and I do mean never have a week less than 3k on it.
the driver pay out is about the same fuel is half and maintance is so little.

tractors have 18 tires to wear out and I pull 40,000# on an average run.

The 22' truck has over a million miles on it but my average haul on it is less than 8,000# and I would say all in all the straight trucks are the way to go. they are so much less stress on me.

But things could be different I would imagine if I was to invest in a newer tractor that got better mpg and a warrenty on parts and labor I could put alot more $ in my pocket.

And a tractor dam near loads itself no matter what area he travels to I dont have him sitting waiting on a load in fact most weeks I can load him for the whole week before he makes his first stop and deadhead is much lower on the tractor.

Keep in mind I run for myself so I set the amount I charge on each haul and I try to keep it aobve 1.65 per mile on the tractor and $1.50 per mile on the straight.Some days I do much betteron each
if I run to florida its never less than $2.00 per mile cause Im lucky to get more than a 1.20 to get out of there

there is plus and minus to each type of truck.

and of course I have to pay for my own insurance $500 a month on the tractor and 300 on the straight


Expert Expediter
RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc

6thwheeler. Any other languages you can translate???
GOOD job!!!


RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc

I'll take all the answers above to my original question to mean that some like a tractor and some like a straight truck, though a straight truck is cheaper to operate.


Expert Expediter
RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc

I read that post, and reread and reread. It s time to get back out on the road, too much free time here. Thanks for the compliment.


Expert Expediter
RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc

dear kwexpress,

Who do you contact to get your loads? Any trouble finding drivers? I'd like to look into doing this type of business myself. I'd also be on the road driving one of my rigs. I guess my real question is with fuel what it is and a 1,000's of trucking companies as competition is it worth it. Great info.

Thanks a lot,


Veteran Expediter
RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc

KW Express
o/o till i die

Is it worth it?

well whats it worth to always be first out?
competion isnt what you think it is you can still work with most expedite carriers and get paid more than if you run direct for them.
its all about networking and service.

like they they say on the gps system never say no if someone calls you to do a load and you cant cover it just try to help them out give them phone numbers of other carriers who do have trucks in the area they are moving the freight from that area and make sure to ask them to tell that carrier you referd them.

subscribe to this site
its worth the $100 a month even if you only get 1 load a month
its expedited freight.

when you subscribe they will send out an e-mail to all the members to welcome you and then these members will start calling you.
members include companies like con-way now,expres-1 most the expediters.

this system also post expedite loads that are available and gives the contact info.

you also post your available trucks and when someone is looking to cover an expedite load they do a search of available equipment and the system shows all the available equipment and and how far away you are from the load. they will call you at all hours of the day and night wanting to know if you can help them out with a switch or if they have a truck brokedown and need it transloaded.

thats one source there are many others but it will take you months just networking with the members on there.

I dont depend on expedites to survive. there are many loadboards such as getloaded,DAT,Truckstop, just to name a few
that I use. I think trucknet list a bunch of load boards.
Some will tell you that its junk freight but again that depends on how you use it. I just use them to post my equipment and in the comments section I put my rate this keeps down the number of cheap freight brokers that call me.When they call they will ask do you still have that truck in whatever city cause I got a partial going to wherever.

My first question is did you see my rate?
the second thing is what your payable terms?
then you look them up to see the credit and make sure they pay the bills.

also it dont hurt any to be a salesman call shippers in your area and introduce your service.or send out mailings

you dont need to be a huge carrier to make a decent living at this
and if you decide to go for it email me and I will help you get started I only run 2 trucks and im not getting rich but I manage to sit at home and make a couple grand a week and watch my son grow.

now thats how I get loads to answer the question about drivers

there are services such as and
that have hundereds of listings for available drivers but I find that an ad in a newspaper works well.

I prefer my drivers live close to me so if they decide they want to quit they usally bring the truck home and I dont spend money running around collecting my trucks

well this post is long enough its time to eat if you have anymore questions please feel free to e-mail me

[email protected]


Expert Expediter
RE: Revenue Potential of Tractor vs. Straight Truc

we are leased to Panther with a tractor and seem to do better than the straight trucks. the reason why we are not restricked to a certian amount of weight. we haul van load to t/t loads and there are not as many t/t in this industry and the demand is getting higher.


Expert Expediter
quest's for kwexpress

Dear kwexpress, I tried using your other link but couldn't get the email through. Anyhow I wrote you about having others drive you rigs for you. I was curious as to if you're incorporated. Also how do you handle the high turnover rates with drivers, or do you not find that problem? Did you mean you can net 2K a week on your 2 rigs?

I appreciate the information
Thank you.


Veteran Expediter
RE: quest's for kwexpress

KW Express
o/o till i die

Yes I am a LLC. No I dont have much problem with drivers because I make my drivers partners in the llc.So its kinda like a discover card if they do good I do good and it pays them back