Responding to an invite


Veteran Expediter
I heard about this on Glenn Beck the other day and wanted to share this with you.

Apparently Micheal Moore had challanged Fred Thompson to a debate

and this is Fred Thompson's response.

This is a really good response because it is simple.

Oh and the other thing I find really a big joke is his latest (moore's that is) cr*pumentory. It seems that he took a bunch of people to Cuba for really top notch cutting edge medical care to get well. I read a bunch of the stories of the people he 'helped' and a couple were not bad off like my wife and I were. We would not go to Cuba for anything other then buyng some of their antique cars. For those who really don't know, Cuba is not the utopia of health care or open freedoms that we are told by these idiots. I know that Cusa uses the same system that a few other communist countries use, a tier system based on politcal affiliations.

Beside that, I would like to see Moore treated like Nicolás Guillén Landrián.


Expert Expediter
Michael Moore...wont that guy ever go away? lol Ya know, there is a reason Michael is a director and not an actor. Think about it. :eek:


Veteran Expediter
Michael Moore is a nobody. Why do you people waste your time even speaking his name???And Glen Beck too for that matter....


Veteran Expediter
>Michael Moore is a nobody. Why do you people waste your time
>even speaking his name???And Glen Beck too for that

No matter how you look at it people fall over him like he is the second coming or something like that. The PRs that I have been sent about his new movie number around 400 as of this morning. He is not a documentery anything, and the new book about him tells people what I and a bunch of people here know about him.

As for Glenn Beck, well he is one of the few that speaks about some real issues and has both sides of a story on his show.

By the way have you seen his show?


Veteran Expediter
What you fail to mention is that both Michael Moore and Glen Beck are entertainers, nothing more. They are both looking to create shock value. Unfortunately a lot of people use shows like Glen Beck,
and O'reily,etc, to get their news rather than actual news outlets.These guys report the news as they see it, not necessarily the way it really is..As a result we have the outrageous polarization between people who just don't truly understand what is actually going on and those that do. I refer to my longtime mantra: Ignorance + fear = control. If you don't know what is really going on you will be controlled by those who can sufficiently scare you.
In any case Michael Moore and Glen Beck are one in the same.


Veteran Expediter
By the way, Glen Beck is, by his own admission, a dry drunk.This may help to explain his obnoxious manner. If you need to know what a dry drunk is I can enlighten you. Michael Moore is just a fat tub-o-lard. I don't know if that explains his manner but it is a fact just the same.


Veteran Expediter
Well it really does not matter because the news outlets have become more illegitimate and moving toward the entertainment spin than to report anywhere near the truth.


Veteran Expediter

I have read 1 of Moore's books and I have watched Beck.I figure these too probably call each other for material and play golf together.Kind of like Howard Cosell(sp)and Mohammad Ali.

Talk shows host are just professional wrestlers that aren't physically fit.Or just to scared to get into the ring.


Veteran Expediter
I think most of you missed something here, the issue that I found rather an interesitng point and the theme of the thread is the fact that Micheal Moore was trying get Thompson into a corner and pull the cr*p he has pulls on everyone else and the response that Fred Thompson had which I thought was very good and correct.

See the issue about Gleen Beck has nothing to do with the issue that Micheal Moore is an idiot who tries to trap people and use creative editing to produce nothing and he ends up being called a documentry maker or artist. I think that many of you are somewhat fooled into thinking the same and as I have said about movie musicals losing the standards of what musicals need to have (chicago is my example and is one of the worst films I have ever was dragged to where no one should have won an oscar for that tripe)the same goes for documentaries, what is considered serious documetary has been deemed to the point that it is now just pure entertainment. Oh ALGORES film is pretty much the same.


Veteran Expediter
First of all if you got dragged to a musical then it only makes sense you weren't going to like had already made up your mind. Secondly, how familiar are you with Glen Beck? Have you ever heard his radio show? If you think Michael Moores's deal is to trap people,listen to Glen Beck...he is the King of that...and when things start going the other way he just shouts down his oponent. How professional....Oh, and by the way , maybe you should get out of the house once in awhile....You're starting to scare me a little.