Veteran Expediter
I heard about this on Glenn Beck the other day and wanted to share this with you.
Apparently Micheal Moore had challanged Fred Thompson to a debate
and this is Fred Thompson's response.
This is a really good response because it is simple.
Oh and the other thing I find really a big joke is his latest (moore's that is) cr*pumentory. It seems that he took a bunch of people to Cuba for really top notch cutting edge medical care to get well. I read a bunch of the stories of the people he 'helped' and a couple were not bad off like my wife and I were. We would not go to Cuba for anything other then buyng some of their antique cars. For those who really don't know, Cuba is not the utopia of health care or open freedoms that we are told by these idiots. I know that Cusa uses the same system that a few other communist countries use, a tier system based on politcal affiliations.
Beside that, I would like to see Moore treated like Nicolás Guillén Landrián.
Apparently Micheal Moore had challanged Fred Thompson to a debate
and this is Fred Thompson's response.
This is a really good response because it is simple.
Oh and the other thing I find really a big joke is his latest (moore's that is) cr*pumentory. It seems that he took a bunch of people to Cuba for really top notch cutting edge medical care to get well. I read a bunch of the stories of the people he 'helped' and a couple were not bad off like my wife and I were. We would not go to Cuba for anything other then buyng some of their antique cars. For those who really don't know, Cuba is not the utopia of health care or open freedoms that we are told by these idiots. I know that Cusa uses the same system that a few other communist countries use, a tier system based on politcal affiliations.
Beside that, I would like to see Moore treated like Nicolás Guillén Landrián.