Dear Tim:
Thank you for contacting me to express your opinion regarding H.R. 1773, the Safe American Roads Act of 2007. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on this matter.
Representative Nancy Boyda introduced this legislation to prohibit the Secretary of Transportation from granting a license to operate a truck within the United States to any individual domiciled in Mexico . The bill provides for a pilot project which will allow no more than 100 drivers the ability to operate within the United States and prohibits the Secretary of Transportation from implementing this pilot project until an extensive study is completed to assess how the program will affect the safety of American roads and highways.
As you may be aware, on May 15, 2007 I supported this bill which overwhelmingly passed the United States House of Representatives by 411-3. It is now pending before the United States Senate. Rest assured that I will keep your views and thoughts in mind should this legislation come back to the House floor for further consideration.
Again, I want to thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any further assistance on this matter or if you would like additional information on this topic or other issues facing Congress, please visit my Website at .
Ander Crenshaw
Member of Congress
Thank you for contacting me to express your opinion regarding H.R. 1773, the Safe American Roads Act of 2007. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on this matter.
Representative Nancy Boyda introduced this legislation to prohibit the Secretary of Transportation from granting a license to operate a truck within the United States to any individual domiciled in Mexico . The bill provides for a pilot project which will allow no more than 100 drivers the ability to operate within the United States and prohibits the Secretary of Transportation from implementing this pilot project until an extensive study is completed to assess how the program will affect the safety of American roads and highways.
As you may be aware, on May 15, 2007 I supported this bill which overwhelmingly passed the United States House of Representatives by 411-3. It is now pending before the United States Senate. Rest assured that I will keep your views and thoughts in mind should this legislation come back to the House floor for further consideration.
Again, I want to thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any further assistance on this matter or if you would like additional information on this topic or other issues facing Congress, please visit my Website at .
Ander Crenshaw
Member of Congress