Rep. Ron Paul wins the most support for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Re: Rep. Ron Paul wins the most support for the 2012 Republican presidential nominati

Not a bad idea but some will not just cry but will SCREAM foul. I'd be satisfied with no voting rights for any criminal alien given an illegal amnesty.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Rep. Ron Paul wins the most support for the 2012 Republican presidential nominati


It is like I am reading Starship Troopers there.

I feel no felon for any reason should have the right to vote - period. It doesn't matter if it is a violent crime or not - a criminal who has gone through due process should lose that right as he/she should lose a few others.

Also bring back the voting age to 21 - unless one is serving or has served.

Like I said in another post, federal employees should not be allowed to vote in federal elections.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Rep. Ron Paul wins the most support for the 2012 Republican presidential nominati


It is like I am reading Starship Troopers there.

I feel no felon for any reason should have the right to vote - period. It doesn't matter if it is a violent crime or not - a criminal who has gone through due process should lose that right as he/she should lose a few others.

Also bring back the voting age to 21 - unless one is serving or has served.

Like I said in another post, federal employees should not be allowed to vote in federal elections.
Greg... what is/are the Starship Troopers? In most cases, convicted felons, both violent and nonviolent, already lose the right to vote. There is an appeal process wherein they can have voting rights restored... but it rarely happens. I support 30 as the minimum voting age. It would prevent the electoral catastrophes heading our way.


Veteran Expediter
Re: Rep. Ron Paul wins the most support for the 2012 Republican presidential nominati

Greg... what is/are the Starship Troopers? In most cases, convicted felons, both violent and nonviolent, already lose the right to vote. There is an appeal process wherein they can have voting rights restored... but it rarely happens. I support 30 as the minimum voting age. It would prevent the electoral catastrophes heading our way.

Well Starship Troopers was a novel by Robert Heinlein (and a film too, watch it if you get a chance). In the novel there was a distinction made between a citizen and any person. You earned your citizenship by volunteering for Federal Service which eventually led to the right to vote.

As for felons getting their right to vote back, it shouldn't happen ... ever


Veteran Expediter
Re: Rep. Ron Paul wins the most support for the 2012 Republican presidential nominati

I even checked out some Actuary charts, and if I looked at the correct ones he should be able to go an additional 12 years. So I might have to research him and see what he is all about.
Good (assuming the above is not said in jest :D)

And just remember when you are looking at those actuarial tables - one of the youngest president's in our nation's history - who appeared to be the essence of mature youth and vigor - when he actually wasn't, and suffered from a variety of health problems.

Ultimately, none of that made one wit of difference anyways ...

None know the day, the hour, the minute, nor the second when the bell with one's name on it will toll .....