REFORM (means.. make your wallet thinner)


Expert Expediter
When Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats took over control of the Congress, she (they) promised "Earmark Reform."

Well, listen to what the honorable Senator from New York Hillary Clinton has "Earmarked" this year. Sentor Clinton has $1 Million of our taxpayer dollars for a celebration of Woodstock??!!

How about these two Gals... :+ :+


Veteran Expediter
Earmarks will never end because political favors will never end. That goes for both current sides (D & R) or any other party that might have the chance to get in some day. American politics has become nothing more than a pis*ing match with each opposing side whining about what the other side suposedly did or didn't do. If this were a republican dominated congress with let's say Newt Gingrich as speaker and some other republican congressman pushing something through, you could say the same thing about them. Every year it's the same old thing..same sh*t, different flies....


Veteran Expediter
We the people have been just about completely divided & conquered, by our own representatives, using our own tax dollars, no less!
As long as people hold their first loyalty to be to their chosen political party, and devote their energy to criticizing the other party, the bickering is endless, as both parties provide plenty of ammunition. While we squabble amongst ourselves over which side is worse, both sides are free to ignore the Constitution, pass laws that benefit their benefactors, (but not the people they were elected to represent), travel the world on the taxpayer's dime, enjoy the many perks of office, (outstanding health care & retirement benefits, free banking, postal service, offices, staff, and state of the art equipment, plus redecoration of said offices, free transportation, protection via Secret Service, etc, etc, etc)and generally have a nice life - all without doing the job they were elected to do: represent we, the people.
Republicans and Democrats alike have failed to do the job for a long time, and will continue to be handsomely rewarded for that failure, as long as we keep insisting that the fault is with one side or the other.
Can we stop being Republican or Democrat long enough to pull together as Americans, and demand that we, the people, get represented by our representatives?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
someone but that is rare. The thread on human evolution in the loading dock very accurately portrays where we are and how we got here.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
You all missed something here.

Hillary knows the secret, which the people we elected in Michigan don’t – do something for your constituents and you will remain in power.

This is the way things have worked since day one.

The ear mark thing with the Dems was a lie, they were not going to do a thing even though they could have in the first four hours of their first session – but they know how to stay in power by feeding the people – maybe we really need to go back to the premise that only property owners are allowed to vote?

As for Hillary and Woodstock, why would we want to celebrate that?


Expert Expediter

I have no problem with a concert as long as it's
NOT paid for with public funds...
And that includes ALL the "public services" required
for a large, multi-day gathering...

All kinds of pagan bands might show up again...

Maybe even the rolling-stones on their
"1-foot in the grave tour"

KEEP SMILING ... :+ :+



Expert Expediter
SORRY LetzRockLenin,

I'll type slower for ya... :7
(all others... please see below...)


"public services"
(EMS, FireRescue, Cops...)

I have no problem with a concert as long as it's
NOT paid for with taxpayer
And that includes ALL the "public services"
(EMS, FireRescue, Cops...) required
for a large, multi-day gathering...




Veteran Expediter
While you are typing slower, how about typing correctly. My user name is Letzrockexpress. The man in the picture is John Lennon.
Lenin was the former Russian dictator Vladimir Lenin. If you are trying to make some connection between me, John Lennon and Vladimir
Lenin, you are a bigger pinhead than you come across as on this site.
While I am at it, I am highly offended that you insist on making stupid, derogatory comments and then use "Jesus is Lord" as your identifying symbol!... WWJD? I don't think you have a clue.
And Pagan bands?...give me a break!


Expert Expediter
SORRRY, sir, to be so subtle...

Since you misspelled my name I was attempting to send a message
without broadcasting on the entire website...

Sort of like flashing my hi-beams when someone forgets to dim theirs.
(you know, instead of ranting on the CB or calling the cops...)

Maybe using "lenin" was too strong..??? "Too bright"...??? :eek: :eek:
Again, sincerely sorry....

(FireGears... see the "G")

The rest of the post was just my opinion which may be
different from others.
You're welcome to yours and welcome to respond to mine...
(that's the idea behind "discussion"..
here "on the SOAPBOX")


plus ...


Expert Expediter
"Letzrock" said...
"And Pagan bands?...give me a break!"


IMHO, this is another reason I do not feel taxpayer funds
should be used for a "woodstock reunion".

I believe the majority of the music of that era
was pagan/heathen in nature and is one of the
mediums which has done tremendous
harm to the morality of our country.

Most current music has only build more evil upon the
foundation which was laid in the 50's-60's, etc...

To use taxpayer funding for this type of event
would be "government" supporting religion.
The religion of immorality and destruction.

But ... maybe that's just me...

I began with "IMHO"...
Which may differ from your opinion.
here "on the SOAPBOX")


plus ...


Expert Expediter
Thank you, sir..

Apology accepted...

Opinion understood...

(I know exactly where you are "coming from" ...
... I was there once
... I spent my teens in the early-mid 60's
... still love the music,
... HATE the "theology" the lyrics present)

Thus, my desire to see NO taxpayer funds
supporting this "religion"...

But ... maybe that's just me... :7




Veteran Expediter

Heathen music, you must know one of my former girlfriends?

She would sit and pull my album inner covers out to analyze lyrics, most of the time when she could find something wrong she wrote it down to take it to her little group to discuss what she had found. I got tire of her and her methodology of finding things that was insignificant in life and not focusing on the bigger things in life like practicing what you preach to others.

Am I vilifying a specific religion? (Settle down Firegears :) )

Nope, not at all seeing she was not Christian but of another religion. It happens everywhere and with every religion.

I don’t believe in the cleansing of society for the greater good or censorship but at the same time I think that there was a lot less going on in the past than what is going on today and society in general, more specifically some religious groups have gotten too lazy to fortify something we call standards in our culture.

If someone doesn’t want to see taxpayer money going into a religion, then who is protesting the money going into the schools to allow pray time for Muslims, foot baths in air ports with specific pray areas or teaching religion in public schools? I have yet heard any group other than a very small group of people screaming about this, even the ACLU and Separation of church and state groups back these changes - so much for our civil liberties.

Sounds like the US has selected a religion from the in action of the people.

If Hillary wants to pay for the concert, what can I do – it seems that this was a national event a few years after it happened and people who have no hope except to cling onto the past to relive (or in many cases experience for the first time) an event that happened 40 years ago of which many people are long dead and gone is rather sad when you really think about it. I would rather see the money go into schooling or something else but that’s me.


Veteran Expediter
Yeah, what Greg said....
And another thing: It seems rediculous to me to believe that music in whatever form could possibly convince someone to act badly, or good for that matter...On the contrary, I think music in fact is nothing more than a reflection of what is going on in life, just as most other art forms tend to reflect attitude, condition, class, etc.
In other words it doesn't drive behavior, it just snaps a photo of it.


Expert Expediter
Gregger said..
"If someone doesn’t want to see taxpayer money going into a religion, then who is protesting the money going into the schools to allow pray time for Muslims, foot baths in air ports with specific pray areas or teaching religion in public schools? "

Taxpayer funds have been supporting
"any religion/cult/occult but Christianity" for a long time.
Look at what's been offered at schools..
most any book/subject but no Bible
...(latest ... occult of harry potter)

Witches/demons/occult (halloween)
but no Christmas/Resurrection Sunday (pagans call it easter)

Homosexual speakers (books/films/clubs...)

evolution but no Biblical Creation

and now ... prayer time for Muslims, foot baths
.... (beyond airports ... now colleges)

NEAR, NEAR FUTURE (just watch) ...
... schools/public buildings will provide a PLACE/ROOM for Muslim prayer where NO others are allowed

Of course, the "Religion of Piece" (yes, Piece) carries a "big stick" ... even bigger that the ACLU.
They have shown that if you disagree with them they will ...
.. shoot you to piece(s), slice you to piece(s), blow you to piece(s)

NEAR, NEAR FUTURE (just watch) ...
no matter how much we give-in to their demands we WILL see more "Piece" in the USA

Gregger said...
"I don’t believe in the cleansing of society for the
greater good or censorship... (for ).. standards in our culture."

And that's why we WILL lose this once great County.
This multicultural,
anything goes,
fund-the-lazy with the labor-of-working,
murder-the-fetus and free-the-murders,
homosexual-bisexual-pedisexual-beastisexual, ("sic" intended)
any god but the Triune GOD of Heaven,
accept everything but stand for NOTHING attitude
WILL destroy the USA.

Not that we will be the first ... see Sodom and Gomorrah

Something to consider before it's too late...

Wise Men (and Women) Still Seek HIM ;-)




Veteran Expediter
Dude, take a pill...In Romans the Bible says believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. That's basically what you need to know. It doesn't say anything about Muslims or muslim bathrooms or heathen music or homosexual speakers or any of the things you have mentioned. I suspect heaven even has room for those lazy,good for who knows what, no workin' folks you mentioned. If you are the christian you portray yourself as, you know this."Judge not lest ye be judged yourself" remember that one?
It isn't your place to preach to us. let it go...