Reefer Units


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
>You have no clue as to what experience I have with regards
>to reefers or WG. If you did, that wouldn't be the statement
>you would make.

Enlighten us please. What exactly is your history with FedEx and White Glove? As much as you speak of it, it would be a courtesy to readers if you let us know.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I believe Dave was with Roberts for well over 10 years and with FEDEXCC for at least 1 year. Why does he need to enlighten you? Why do you continue to challenge Dave and to a lesser degree Me. Both of us attempt to give experienced advice on expediter issues but you constantly find fault with what ever we say.Sad state of affairs,lets meet up in Detroit and try to understand ech other as there really is no place for this constant potshots you send out..


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
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I'm sorry folks, I believe this thread has gone far enough, and has once again degenerated, and instead of removing every personal comment which is spread among the good advice, it will now be locked. Any further responses to Big Dog's original question, could be perhaps sent to him in a Private Message. Any further reference to the personal arguements raised here will not be tolerated, and will be deleted without notice.

Thank you,

Forums Administrator