Red she?????


Seasoned Expediter
as of late we have had up close encounters with a red fox.

This Fox does not appear to be afraid of me and the maintenance staff, I say this because as of late we have had this fox come within 30 feet of us while working and let me point out that she is not on the run but rather just walking. She might pause for a minute and look our way, but just keeps going.

The other day I noticed this fox lying on the ground out in the open. Myself and one other started walking towards the fox, it was when we got within 15 feet is when it finnally stood up, and turned and walked away about 10 feet. She stopped and squatted to pee. Whats weird is , she didnt run, bolt etc in fact just walked away. At the spot were she was lying there was bunches of hair ( could be shedding her coat, it is spring).

A few minutes later she came within 40 feet of us just walking up the hill.
At no time did she appear angered nor did she charge at us, no foaming at the mouth....

This is just abnormal..... I have never encountered this before.

So I thought I might get your opinion

Oh yes I called the Michigan DNR for advice....that was a waste of time.... all I was asking for was some sort of explanation. They said "call a wildlife removal company"

Might it be time to get out my 22?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Who did you talk to at the DNR? You need to speak with a wildlife biologist.

She may be pregnate. Rabies is possible but is more likely in warm weather months. She may have any number of other maladies. One other possibility is she was once someones pet and misses human company.

I always error on the safe side when I see wild animals acting like this and kill them. I would hate to see someone hurt or an epidemic start.



Veteran Expediter
I would let it be,,, unless ya really think its going to do some damage.
We see fox every spring around this time hanging around the house and along our acess road.I would bet it has a den somewhere nearby and is just watching you more then your watching it..Chances are it will just kinda fade away here soon and ya propely wont see it much till next spring.


Expert Expediter
I agree with Slo-Ride. She may have babies nearby, or be close to giving birth. I would think that if she isn't showing signs of aggression or rabies that she wouldn't be a threat. Just kind of keep a look out for a week or so and see what happens. JMO :D


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Domestic and or "wild" animals become lethargic when they are suffering from "Distemper" Which untreated will kill them.
Foxes have their "Kits" in Dens, not in the open.


Seasoned Expediter
Well, Just an update... A few days ago we encountered this fox again and once again she allowed us to get real close..... I stayed and watched her while my employee went home to get his 22.

upon its death we approached and sure as the world most of her pelt was gone, many small open wounds etc. .

We Did the right thing..


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes you did, I have NEVER seen a truely wild fox come near a people at anytime let alone in the day time. Layoutshooter