Real Live E.O. Members


Veteran Expediter
Thursday I ran into a real live E.O. member. I met Roadhooligan at the "J" in Evansville. Bob was running solo. Hooligan was out of service and vacationiong at the beach. We talked a bit and Bob gave me a brief history of Lawrence and E.O. Interesting stuff! Amazing how this has evolved! It was nice to finally met someone in person. Hope to meet more of you soon.`

Bob, I forget to inquire about Hooligan. What kind of dog is he? Is he a safe co-driver? Once again it was nice to meet you. My load to Milwaukee went smooth and I'm home for the weekend.


Veteran Expediter
Sorry Phreak you're too late. But I will be looking for you. Your truck should be easy to spot out on the road.

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member

It was great meeting yuu too.

Hooligan had a great time on vacation. Everytime he takes time off, I really miss him.

Hooligan is a Jack Russel. He comes from a family of Expediters. His grad Father is JR who used to run for Fed Ex. His brother Kipper was an expediter but now is in the Internet business with Lawrence.

Hope to see you again on the road.

Dr Bob and Hooligan