Reaganomics Achichtect charged


Veteran Expediter
Well well well,how about that David Stockman.The Republicans just can't seem to buy good news these days.So,lets see,Clinton's economy was actually driven by Reaganomics,I think that has been drilled into my head by most of the mad dog righties on this forum.Does that mean the guy who drove that Reaganomics bus was a finacial genious?Did Mr.Stockman use the same shady booking keeping schemes he dremaed up to help MICHIGAN based Collins and Ackerman?We thinks we knows the answer.He has been charged with:

1.Conspiracy to commit securities fraud.
2.Making false statements in annuel and quarterly reports(real smart)
3.Making false entries in books and reports
4.Lying to auditors
5.Committing bank fraud,wire fraud and obstruction of agency proceeding.
Stockman allowed the company employees to mislead creditors about the companys revenues and the ability of Collins and Aikmann to pay its bills.
The indictment also accused Stockman of misleading investors,saying he wanted to hide his own and other senior management in a fraudulant scheme to skew the companys accounting to hide its trouble.
Well,now we know why the Saving and Loan industry crashed and burned under very circumspect circumstance's under roni raygun,don't we.
Why am I not surprised that yet another scum bag Republican administration has come to the forefront,exposed,and humiliated.
I thinks David maybe be living in very close quarters with Bubba and perhaps become Ms. Bubba in the months ahead.What a shame.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
Sadly for all of us, it's a quid pro quo. For every scum bag Republican administrator that has come to the forefront, exposed, and humiliated, there are an equal number of Democrat administrators that come to the forefront, exposed, and humiliated.


Veteran Expediter


I never liked him.

Now if we could only charge the keating 5 I would be very happy.


Veteran Expediter
That is a very true statement Terry,and one I agree with.
The reason I even bring this current situation up is the repeated assault on the economic boom under Clinton.It has been repeated 100 fold that the boom was a result of the Reagan Presidency,not the fact that Clinton was a popular President who the majority of Americans felt good about.Call him what you want(rapist is a little over the top)the American people supported him through the good days and the bad days.He left office a very popular President,and the bottom fell out of the economy shortly there after.That is a fact,the reasons are dependent on who you wish to listen to.I'm sure Greg will weigh in on this topic,it's one of his favorites!


Veteran Expediter
one thing is true clinton had a better approval rating than what w has. it seems w is playing limbo with his rating. you know "how low can you go?" plus i think hillary has a good shot because people like bill.


Veteran Expediter
Hillary Clinton charged

“The reason I even bring this current situation up is the repeated assault on the economic boom under Clinton.â€

Keep reading .....

"It has been repeated 100 fold that the boom was a result of the Reagan Presidency, not the fact that Clinton was a popular President who the majority of Americans felt good about."

Well feeling good and good economic policies are two different things. Not everyone thought the 90’s under Clinton was ll that great.

"Call him what you want (rapist is a little over the top) the American people supported him through the good days and the bad days."

Again not everyone supported him. I never said he was a rapist, lier maybe but no rapist.

“He left office a very popular President, and the bottom fell out of the economy shortly there after. That is a fact, the reasons are dependent on who you wish to listen to.â€

Yep very popular....

Now when did the economy fall off?

Wasn’t it some time after he left and Bush’s policies didn’t really come into effect.

Also didn’t we have a major disaster?.... 9/11 maybe?

“I'm sure Greg will weigh in on this topic, it's one of his favorites!â€

Yep sure did earlier and I think Carter is my favorite to comment on.

As I said I didn’t like David Stockman and glad this happened. Didn't he get fired? Well anyway, he spoke to our economics class when I was in college and he was an idiot.

But with that said, you seem to think that the time that Reagan was in office and his polices were ruinous for the country. Amazingly that many people think that his economic policies were very good for the country and further amazing that not only are these people at Harvard, Kato institute and Stanford to mention a few and many democrats also thought so, seeing one was JFK and his tax ideas that Reagan based his ideas on. Oh by the way Stockman wasn’t in the picture when Reagan were formulated his ideas in the mid 70’s.

By the way, even though Clinton and his cohorts (used in a complimentary way) did spin the economic successes to look like he was the second coming with his policies and even went so far as to say that his time in office was the “greatest economic boom†since the WW2 (which is an outright lie) it can not take away from the very fact that we have had two growth periods (post war) that out did every other – Kennedy/Johnson based on the tax cuts of 1964 and Reagan. The economic experts Harvard, Kato institute and Stanford say that Bush(1)/Clinton was just above Carter and right behind Nixon/Ford for economic growth and prosperity.


I haven't touched on the important thing, real median family income. It seems that under reagan, it rose to an all time high but has yet to be matched since, it slipped during the clinton years.

Economic boom under Clinton? Ok if you think so... see this;

There Tallcal!

Are you happy now?


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Hillary Clinton charged

Greg, you should be ashamed of yourself... spouting irrefutable and documented facts like that at a loyal democrat... tisk tisk...


Veteran Expediter
RE: Hillary Clinton charged

Crooks are people before they are aligned with any party. For every crooked Democrat there is a crooked Republican...This will never change. Get over it. Until accountability is required whenever responsibility is given There will be no change.
By the way, What you call "Reaganomics" or "Trickledown" economics is in pure theory quite brilliant.Cut taxes, companies can make capital improvements, they hire new people, production increases, service jobs begin to arrive on the scene and life is good.. a pretty picture indeed..that is until the greedy ceos and cfos and all their greedy scumbag friends skim all the revenue generated from the tax cuts. The factories get old, foreign competition arrives, layoffs ensue, service jobs dry up and suddenly here we are in America 2007!!!! I'm pretty sure independents can be crooks too....

Bugsy Siegel

Seasoned Expediter
>Sadly for all of us, it's a quid pro quo. For every scum
>bag Republican administrator that has come to the forefront,
>exposed, and humiliated, there are an equal number of
>Democrat administrators that come to the forefront, exposed,
>and humiliated.

Gotta agree. I just said it in another thread... Politicians are all about themselves, and once they are elected, their agenda is the only thing they care about until the next election rolls around.

Seriously, has anyone on here *EVER* experienced any kind of positive change based on what president was in office??? I sure haven't.