Ready To Pay More For The Privilige of Driving?


Veteran Expediter
As Greg said, the lack of money that officials [like Mr LaHood, whose grasp of reality we are all too familiar with] bemoan is not due to a lack of money paid by citizens for the specific purpose, it is that the very same officials [and their predecessors] raided the "dedicated" funds for other purposes. Usually behind the scenes, tacking their spending onto unrelated bills.
It's exactly what happened to the money paid for social security: we paid, they raided, and now they cry "There just isn't enough money - someone has to pay more!"



Expert Expediter
TO answer your question ... No one seemed to also mention that it isn't the problem of funding, it is the problem that the funds generated are not used for the roads. Our federal government has done a few things, one is they HAVE NOT forced specific road building standards for all states to follow, THEY don't require primary roads that are federally funded to be funded 100% with the intended federal funds and finally they DO NOT hold states accountable for the funding that is provided to the state or even in most cases audit those funds 100%.

Greg are you saying that the Government doesn't do what they say they are going to do . like this tax is to be used to pay for road building. this law is to make sure that the road building standards for all states is followed.

so i guess if they say that the funds are for this . and the funds aren't used for that . then they lied. am i right . so when it takes them over 2 years to show a birth certificate . or show proof that they killed a mass murderer . we are just to believe them on that . because they never lie to We the people

so they only lie some of the time but not all the time .


Veteran Expediter
When it comes to how they spent the money, they lie all the time.
Everything else, they just lie some of the time.:cool: