Re I need help and How to leave a bad owner


Veteran Expediter
I have read the two posts about owner problems and I simply must be missing something. I do agree with all the advice on how to go about returning the truck but as for the post on why, I simply have to be missing something.

As I read the post it said the truck took more time off than the oringinal agreement allowed. The owner explained they needed the truck running and if it did not run according to agreement pay would be reduced. If that summary is the case and all the numbers are correct in the post then I have a question.

Why is the owner a bad and evil owner?

Having been an owner of trucks in the past I can tell you I am not sure I would be happy with what I read there. With the way everyone is reacting I assume I must be missing something. If the owner is doing a driver wrong, then I am all for the driver but I am unsure what has happened here.

Please bring meup tp speed on this before I stick my foot in my mouth



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The truck did not take off more than allowed, in fact it ran continuously for 4 months according to what I read although I could be misreading as well. The problem was taking off 2 weeks that had been scheduled several months in advance. What I interpret from the postings is an owner who has zero reserves and appears to be using the income from this truck to not only pay for this truck but other things as well and can't afford for the wheels to not turn every moment. I think the owner needs to start listening to Dave Ramsey.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Thanks Leo. I did go back and reread and maybe there is a bigger issue than I first saw.

I do want to throw something out and it is not pointed at this person or person at all.

In most jobs folks get two weeks of vacation, on average, a year in the first few years of a career. The reason I point this out is that I do hear many people say what they want off and it is well over two weeks a year and when you combine that with the expected down time of an expedite truck due to HOS and waiting on freight, well, this can simply kill an owner. Driver also but owner who has payments needs the wheels to turn. I don't think a person should be expected to be a millionare in order to be a fleet owner. Everyone starts out somewhere.




Veteran Expediter
Well I think that if you run the numbers you would find that if you took the seven major holidays off and one two week vacation you would make an owner as happy as can be. 94.3% aval. How many of us do that kind of number. Not me, never will happen. there may be three or four per company out there but they are without a life.

What are some real numbers that you guys have in service, it is hard for me to keep it even near 80%.

late for dinner

Expert Expediter
Raceman, do you really think that waiting on freight and the HOS should have anything to do with vacation? This man was hired with the knowledge of his vacation plans and if the owner wants to change the rules at this time his word is no good. I was told at an early age that a man is no better than his word.


Veteran Expediter
>In most jobs folks get two weeks of vacation, on average, a
>year in the first few years of a career. The reason I point
>this out is that I do hear many people say what they want
>off and it is well over two weeks a year and when you
>combine that with the expected down time of an expedite
>truck due to HOS and waiting on freight, well, this can
>simply kill an owner.

Most people new to a company or early in thier working career do not work twenty plus days in a row, live in a shoebox, nor are on call 24/7 during those twenty plus days. I think it is hard to compare a normal job of 5 to 5 1/2 days a week 8 to 10 hours a day with a over the road job.


Veteran Expediter

I understand where you are coming from with your statement; “The reason I point this out is that I do hear many people say what they want off and it is well over two weeks a year and when you combine that with the expected down time of an expedite truck due to HOS and waiting on freight, well, this can simply kill an owner.â€

But reality is that HOS and waiting for a load is part of the business, no one has control over either, not to be included as an owner’s idea of rest away from the truck should be and should be a part of the owner’s business plan.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
This type of topic ,Drivers vs fleet owners wil be going on ad infitum. Sometimes information is either left out or embellished to give the author more credibility as too their claim.
I have heard horror stories fromm both sides. Drivers quiting in the middle of no where,owners demanding more and more etc.
There are many successful owners and drivers out there but we never hear from them as they have no reason to complain. i am not a fleet owner and never will be but if I was I would treat drivers the way I would want to be treated. Seems to me in this case the Driver did the proper thing in notifying the owner well in advance he wanted some time off.


Veteran Expediter
It all boils down to what Rich said... treating someone as you would want to be treated. I'm off this entire week cause my a/c is down. I don't count this as my week home because not only was it unexpected, but I had to be ready for when the truck is up. Therefore, it's not my off time. I'm going on vacation for the 4th, and was planning on 10 days. However, I can't put this on my owner cause it wasn't his fault that I'm sitting the entire week. I've decided to cut my vacation short by about half.

Would I do it for a normal owner? Probably a couple days less. But the faster this owner meets his goal, the faster I get the truck. As an owner, would I expect a driver to give me the same courtesy? I might ask, but wouldn't hold it against him/her if they said no. If a driver is on the board, they are not taking time off, whether home or not. If a truck is getting fixed, they're waiting, whether home or not. That my bit of philosophy.


Veteran Expediter
The way i figure my home time is one week on the road one day at the house. That's why i spend about every other weekend at home. This week i've been home due to my wife having surgery. My owner is cool with it. It wasn't planned in advance it just happened. I called him told him what was going on. I told him I was going to have to take off about a week. I did work the day before my wife's surgery, and I'm doing a short run today. When I told my owner what was going on his reply was I hope she gets to feeling better and keep me in the loop brother. My pay is fair,correct and accurate every week when it is direct deposited to my banking account. He doesn't care if i take my time off because he knows I'm gonna work as hard as I legally can and as hard as the freight will let me. My owner let's me make decisions on what I do and what I don't do. The do's out way the don'ts by much. I'll go basiclly anywhere as long as the load pays good enough. We get along great so I can't complain.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Everyone figgures their time off differently it seems. To me, if you're off, and off at home, regardless of the reason, i believe it would be time off, and, outa being "stuck in the truck".
regardless of the reason, take advantage of your down time and relax.
Waiting for a load in Florida as an example, I go to the beach and sit beside people whom have spent hundreds, maybe even thousands to get there, i'm there basically free in the course of events. I'm relaxing away from the truck, instead of setting at some truck stop in the sun. Way too many of you "make" this way more work than it needs to be. You make it way too mumdrum, or something. Amazes me!


Veteran Expediter
To start out, I was pizzed I had to come home in the first place. The a/c breaking down ended a decent two week run. But when I sit here, I can't go out of town, go to appointments that were made for two weeks from now, get my computer fixed. All that takes time you won't have if someone calls up and says, "come get your truck". If I would've known it would take the whole week, I would've made some plans. That's why it's not really down time to me.

Colonel... how would you react if you were the owner, and after being off for a week with a down truck, I wanted a week off after being out driving next week? I know plans and holidays don't mean much to you, so I'm guessing you'd be somewhat pizzed. Am I right?


Veteran Expediter
Having down time in the truck to relax and being home and spending time with my wife are to seperate things. Regardless of what anyone says about home time you come back with this mess about how if we are sitting for 2 days waiting on a load then we have time to relax, which is true, but you're philosphy is that is just as good as time at home with family. The only way I could have that same attitude would be if I didn't have any one to come home to .


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
I guess if I had all week I would go outa town if I wanted to. If I had to have an appointment to repair a comuter, i'd find anuther computer fixer. I'd react as you anticipate, if the above were all it took to create a show stopper. I'm just wondering why a person can't run the truck if it wouldn't hurt anything. All ya gotta do is stay outa the South for a while.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
No, no, ARKJAR, you missed it. I have a wonderful family live on a lake, and really, really enjoy my hometime. However, when i got in this business, I attempted, and finally succeded in getting my affairs in order, so that I could capitalize on all quality time off because it didn't take me long to realize that it was not going to be easy. To capitalize on quality time off and maximize my revenue I had a real change in my retirement plans. For those of you that enjoy eating and living indoors, you might want to assess you priorities. Unfortunately, this business does not allow for "locked in concrete" plans. Planning seems to be limited to a couple days most of the time for me. If that. I figgure if I had to have "plans" and, was not flexable enough to have a couple of them for backup if needed, then i figgured the Post Office is usually hireing, and I could make my "plans" a couple years in advance if'n I needed to.


Veteran Expediter
South? You mean south of Edmonton? The day it went out, it was 91 in Indy. I can run in that heat, but sleeping is another story. Part of this situation comes from the fact that the dealer in Indy said it would take them one day to fix the problem, but it took the dealer in Dearborn three days. So, I expected to be off til Wednesday, and here it is Friday.

Yes, plans are made and broken. I can get my computer fixed anytime. But when I have to be home a certain date for a genetics appointment regarding our unborn baby, everything else is on hold. There are certain things that take presidence over freight, and family is one of them. Seein as the woman took time off to do something with me, it's up to me to fulfill my part. There will be more freight when I've finished with my vacation.


Veteran Expediter
ten. some of the freight gods followers can't see anything being more importent than are doing the right thing by your baby don't worry about what anyone else says.


Veteran Expediter
I capitalized so people would be sure to catch it but it did not do the trick. I said my statements/questions were not about the fellow in the post. I am sure he is doing right in his case.

I am trying to talk other even a not existing owner or company.

Never mind. I have no desire to argue over this topic. I should have asked about businesses in general.



Veteran Expediter
Raceman said:

Raceman, I don't think we are argueing, just sparking some chat and thoughts.


Expert Expediter
Hawk, when my plans get changed I call up and move the appointments back 2 or 3 weeks. Most people are happy to work with you when you explain you drive a truck. I believe most of the plants are down for changeover the two weeks following the 4th so it might be real slow for you those two weeks anyway.