Rates continue to rise.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Rates are going up. That is much different than drivers rates rising. Seems to be a effort to lower those based on some recent posts.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Shipping costs have doubled (Pella Window) and even tripled (Briggs & Stratton) in some cases over just the last 6 years. These are the only two where I have reliable information, but they are very disparate industries and might indicate a trend. In both of the above cases, though, I know that the drivers who haul freight out of Pella and Briggs do not make anywhere near double, much less triple, what they made 6 years ago. Most are making exactly the same, or less.


Veteran Expediter
There are a lot of o/o out here not really trending with rates hauling for what they did 5 years ago or whenever. That's really on those o/o for not staying on top of their game. People looking for capacity and connecting trucks with customers who need them know what's up. And they don't like it at all when trucks get much more than mediocre rates. Cuts into the vacations, Mercedes, etc.

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