I've been loking into expediting for the last cupple of months now, and have finally decided I want to be an owner/opperator. I have my class B liscense and am looking to drive team for FedEx CC. If anyone would be so kind as to share info on; What type of truck is best(make of and size)? Good Experience with FedexCC? What might be some things to expect the first cupple of weeks? Down time? Money? Problems?
Pretty much anything that a new driver might need to know but may not be out there, I would like to hear about anything you may have to add about expediting. Any comments and suggestions that you might have would be greatly appreciated. And thanks already for posting comments, the archives has been most helpful.
Pretty much anything that a new driver might need to know but may not be out there, I would like to hear about anything you may have to add about expediting. Any comments and suggestions that you might have would be greatly appreciated. And thanks already for posting comments, the archives has been most helpful.