>I was doing some rough figuring and at .80¢ paid per mile,
>running a cargo van, my expenses would be around .50¢ to
>.60¢ per mile, that leaves only .20¢ to .30¢ per mile
>profit. Is this about average?
AH: My 2000 chev cargo van expenses for 2004 was $.44 per mile. That figure is based on a 5 year ammortization of a $30,000 van, and all van and other business operating expenses, except food. That is for the total of all paid and deadhead miles. Not included in that figure is wages and tips (shouldn't be confused with profit)
At 80 cents per revenue mile and a typical one third more miles of unpaid deadhead, your van will be receiving a nominal 63 cents for each mile driven for business purposes.
Those are the facts as I see them; the judgment call is yours.