Question about mileage


Expert Expediter
I was doing some rough figuring and at .80¢ paid per mile, running a cargo van, my expenses would be around .50¢ to .60¢ per mile, that leaves only .20¢ to .30¢ per mile profit. Is this about average?

It doesn't seem like it is worth it.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
>I was doing some rough figuring and at .80¢ paid per mile,
>running a cargo van, my expenses would be around .50¢ to
>.60¢ per mile, that leaves only .20¢ to .30¢ per mile
>profit. Is this about average?

AH: My 2000 chev cargo van expenses for 2004 was $.44 per mile. That figure is based on a 5 year ammortization of a $30,000 van, and all van and other business operating expenses, except food. That is for the total of all paid and deadhead miles. Not included in that figure is wages and tips (shouldn't be confused with profit)

At 80 cents per revenue mile and a typical one third more miles of unpaid deadhead, your van will be receiving a nominal 63 cents for each mile driven for business purposes.

Those are the facts as I see them; the judgment call is yours.



Expert Expediter
>running a cargo van, my expenses would be around .50¢ to
>.60¢ per mile

I'm running a 2001 Chevy 3500 extended, this seem somewhat high to me. I believe my expenses run around .33¢ to .37¢ per mile.

Mike in SW Ohio


Expert Expediter
Dont look to hard into the profit margins......most of us do this work because it is something we love to do, more than a way to get rich. I can tell you this much, I have never woken up one day (as an expediter) and said to myself: " Man I hate this job!" I cant say the same for the other 2 thousand jobs I have had in my lifetime.


P.S. Of course profit margins should be taken into consideration before making a jump into this type of job, I only said that half jokingly.


Expert Expediter
that sounds better. i am looking for a 2002 e350 right now. i am hoping to make $1200 profit per month so that sounds doable.


Expert Expediter
I do'nt know what you based your operational expense calculations on, but if it cost me what you estimate it will cost you to operate a cargo van, then i would have bankrupted 7 years ago. I have been in a business where I actually used cargo vans to pull trailers and my estimated operational cost in no way came close toequalling yours, and thats even after I paid a driver. RE-Think this thing----Back to the drawing board. Hint--- if U are working for a company and U use your personal vehicle for their benefit, they will pay U 20 some odd cents per mile for the use of your vehicle


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I did some research on a Sprinter and came up with about 40.5cpm based on 2k miles a week annualized. For a cargo van expenses of 50cpm seems way too high unless you are including things like food etc. and not just the expense of running the van.

truck 4958

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