I find IE torturously slow and full of spyware or SOMETHING that just bogs me down totally. I stopped using it years ago and have been using Firefox instead (although I'm not altogether happy with it either since it seems to be a memory hog, at least on my antique PC).
The other day I tried to access my bank account from my office computer (which is NOT an antique PC), and I was unable to get onto my account (also using Firefox).
I called my bank and they said I must use IE, they do not support Firefox.
Why can't everyone just be on the same page?? Why can't sites be made workable for all browsers?
As a side point.. see what this thread has evolved into.. just naturally.. starts out talking about ratings.. ends up talking about browsers..
Regarding the ratings.. I have to register my complaint here I guess..
I think it should be made clear that the ratings are only rated by unique usernames.. for example.. there have been many times when I personally have felt that ATeam and Turtle, for example, have posted excellent posts.... but I was unable to 'rate' the post, because a billion years ago, I gave each of them a 'good rating' on another post they made.. it says I must share the wealth (talk about politically incorrect!).. I can only leave good ratings for people who I have NEVER rated before..
So, that being the case.. how does this rating system have any bearing on reality?? It only means that enough separate, individual usernames have clicked on 'rate this as good'.. but there may be other posters who have made many excellent posts, that are totally missing the opportunity to be given a rating.
I completely understand why it would be inappropriate to allow someone to just continuously post 'great ratings' to someone's posts, like say someone wanted to post great ratings to THEIR OWN posts, numerous times even.. that would be totally wrong.. but can't we find a way to rate a post as GREAT even if the poster had ANOTHER great one a month or two ago???