Expert Expediter
Hi, new to the site. I've been throwing around the idea of jumping into the field of expediting. I have a class A with a doubles endorsement but most of my driving eperience has been in 26ft straight trucks. I love the road, and i'm single so getting home isn't the bigest priority. I've got about $.02 to my name, so i'm thinking about sigining on with Try Hours as a company driver. I've spoken with them and it seems like an honest company to work with. i have however heard that the company trucks aren't the greatest. No specifics other than crawl-in sleepers. Are they really in poor shape, or am i getting bad intel? Also, i know that it's a 60/40 setup, and i pay my ow fuel, etc. How much cash am i going to need off the bat to make it until the first time i am paid? Any help with this is greatly appreciated.