The problem with the Confederate Flag comparison to the Nazi symbol is more than a few points:
First, what we call the “Confederate Flag” was NEVER the National Flag of the Confederate Nation. NEVER. There was 3 flags, and I feel it would be disrespectful to fly any of “Those” Flags. The Flag we know as the “Confederate Flag” was sometimes used in battle because the first Confederate Flag looked so much like the Union, they were confusing who’s side was who. Otherwise, it’s simply a memorial flag to remember the fallen soldiers.
Second point, why would we respectfully remember the Confederate Soldiers with this flag? Let’s look at the facts in context:
*The South was guilty of slavery, not a holocaust. The South didn’t commit genocide.
*The Union State Missouri still had legal slavery after the Emancipation Proclamation, since it only applied to the southern states.
*Native Americans had slaves.
Third point, the Union committed genocide of the Native Americans immediately after the war. Kind of hypocritical to accuse the south of evil when the Union literally was the Nazis that got away with their holocaust. This is why people from the South roll their eyes when non southerners try to claim a moral high ground. Still, with this fact:
*Native American Nations had slaves, fought against the Union, lost, yet their national symbols aren’t called “racist”. In fact, they’re held in respect. Confederate symbols should be treated exactly like Native American National symbols.
The absurdity of this modern hatred towards the south is so lacking of facts and perspective that it’s really not worth taking seriously. People from the South are going to keep flying Confederate Flags, and the people that hate the south are going to hate.
Rant over, lol