Psalm 2010


Expert Expediter
Obama is the Shepherd I did Not Want.
He Leadeth me Beside the Still Factories.
He Restoreth my Faith in the Independant Party.
He Guideth me in the Path of Unemployment for His Party's Sake.
Yea, Though I walk through the Valley of the Bread Line,
I Shall Fear No Hunger, For his Bailouts are With Me.
Ha has Anointed My Income with Taxes, My Expenses Runneth Over, Surely, Poverty and Hard Living will follow Me All the Days of my Life,
And I will Live in a Mortgaged Home Forever.
I am Glad that I am an American,
And I am Glad that I'm Free,
But I wish I was a Dog
And Obama was a Tree! :D


Veteran Expediter
Obama is the Shepherd I did Not Want.
He Leadeth me Beside the Still Factories.
He Restoreth my Faith in the Independant Party.
He Guideth me in the Path of Unemployment for His Party's Sake.
Yea, Though I walk through the Valley of the Bread Line,
I Shall Fear No Hunger, For his Bailouts are With Me.
Ha has Anointed My Income with Taxes, My Expenses Runneth Over, Surely, Poverty and Hard Living will follow Me All the Days of my Life,
And I will Live in a Mortgaged Home Forever.
I am Glad that I am an American,
And I am Glad that I'm Free,
But I wish I was a Dog
And Obama was a Tree! :D

Ya know, the irony to this silly diatribe is that your wacked out conservative bretheren saw to it that some hardline big business a** lickers got on the Supreme Court, and have determined that campaign finance reform is an infringement on free speech. They have furthermore determined, in their high and mighty arrogance, to refuse to allow it to happen. It all starts with who is providing the cash to back the candidate. It IS all about money. Nothing else. You choose to mock God's word....brilliant. Blessed are the meek, and apparently the stupid.
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Veteran Expediter
You choose to mock God's word .... brilliant.
Actually, I don't think it was God's word that he was mocking ..... :rolleyes:

Beyond that little sticking point, I think it fairly safe to say that God probably does have a sense of humor .....
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hey Rocket, happy to see you back again!! Hope all is well in your little part of the world!!

I don't think God gets too upset when we use humor, after all, He invented that as well. I have no problem mocking the lord god Obama, he is worthy of mocking.

As to the Supreme Court and where and who this will cause money to go, I would be more than willing to bet that it does not go only to what you and others would say are ReBumLiCan or conservative candidates. In fact, I would be willing to bet that more will go to what I and others would call Dumb-O-Cratic or liberal candidates. Want to bet a pizza and beer on that one? It will be interesting to see.

Does not GE own MSMBC and some other broadcasting outlets? Is not GE getting taxpayer subsidies to build windmills that do not pay for themselves? Is it much of a stretch of the imagination that, as money gets shifted around in large corprations, that those news outlets owned by GE get a bit of an influx of money? Who is in bed with GE? ALGORE!!

It will also maybe balance out the zillions that the unions are allowed to dump into advertising.

I don't like any of this stupidity. I don't think for one minute that a union or a corporation are entitled to that rights that are reserved for the People. I believe that both what you call conservative and liberals, Dumb-O-Crat and ReBumLiCans, are raping the People. Neither bunch can be trusted. Both are infested with criminals, thieves and scuzballs.

All that one rulling did was sort of only kinda, on the surface, level the playing field a little bit. That was just to make easier for both bunches of ripoff artists to continue to rip us off!!

Wanna bet that pizza and beer? LOL!! Breathe some helium and lighten up. Our entire political system is perverted, our so called leaders are a joke, might as well rag on 'em!! What other purpose do they have?


Expert Expediter
Ya know, the irony to this silly diatribe is that your wacked out conservative bretheren saw to it that some hardline big business a** lickers got on the Supreme Court, and have determined that campaign finance reform is an infringement on free speech. They have furthermore determined, in their high and mighty arrogance, to refuse to allow it to happen. It all starts with who is providing the cash to back the candidate. It IS all about money. Nothing else. You choose to mock God's word....brilliant. Blessed are the meek, and apparently the stupid.

I'm not even going to Dignify that with an Answer because It's just Stupid Drivel! There is no Making Fun of Gods word! Which word has you Confused, Psalm or 2010? :D
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Veteran Expediter
I'm not even going to Dignify that with an Answer because It's just Stupid Drivel!

I'm glad to see you are willing to admit what it is.

There is no Making Fun of Gods word! Which word has you Confused, Psalm or 2010? :D

You have submitted a lame parody of Psalm 23. You can find it in the Bible between Psalms 22 and 24. The Bible is considered God's word. I'm not at all confused.


Veteran Expediter
Hey Rocket, happy to see you back again!! Hope all is well in your little part of the world!!

I don't think God gets too upset when we use humor, after all, He invented that as well. I have no problem mocking the lord god Obama, he is worthy of mocking.

As to the Supreme Court and where and who this will cause money to go, I would be more than willing to bet that it does not go only to what you and others would say are ReBumLiCan or conservative candidates. In fact, I would be willing to bet that more will go to what I and others would call Dumb-O-Cratic or liberal candidates. Want to bet a pizza and beer on that one? It will be interesting to see.

Does not GE own MSMBC and some other broadcasting outlets? Is not GE getting taxpayer subsidies to build windmills that do not pay for themselves? Is it much of a stretch of the imagination that, as money gets shifted around in large corprations, that those news outlets owned by GE get a bit of an influx of money? Who is in bed with GE? ALGORE!!

It will also maybe balance out the zillions that the unions are allowed to dump into advertising.

I don't like any of this stupidity. I don't think for one minute that a union or a corporation are entitled to that rights that are reserved for the People. I believe that both what you call conservative and liberals, Dumb-O-Crat and ReBumLiCans, are raping the People. Neither bunch can be trusted. Both are infested with criminals, thieves and scuzballs.

All that one rulling did was sort of only kinda, on the surface, level the playing field a little bit. That was just to make easier for both bunches of ripoff artists to continue to rip us off!!

Wanna bet that pizza and beer? LOL!! Breathe some helium and lighten up. Our entire political system is perverted, our so called leaders are a joke, might as well rag on 'em!! What other purpose do they have?

The point is that whoever has the money to buy the election can and will, democrat or republican...You yourself, the loudest pundant of the "politicians" want us to "vote them all out" because they're corrupt. Campaign finance reform, effectively limiting the amount any one entity can contribute to one candidate or cause, is the only reasonable way to control the fairness of the election process. That process has now, in effect, been handed over to the highest bidder, Whoever, and from whatever political persuasion they happen to come from.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Happy to hear that things are going ok for you.

As to this mess, it is only reform when it covers everything. Setting it up, like that mess was, to give power to one group and take it away from others is not reform.


Expert Expediter
I'm glad to see you are willing to admit what it is.

You have submitted a lame parody of Psalm 23. You can find it in the Bible between Psalms 22 and 24. The Bible is considered God's word. I'm not at all confused.

The Drivel was Your Response and NOT the Post!
I see that you Finally Crawled out of the Wood Work since Your Buddy Got banned, Or Was that, One in the Same? Just Askin.

And NO It was Not a Parody at all, It was a Post and Wasn't Making Fun of Gods Word! But in your Mind as Long as it was From Me and NOT One of the Other Koolaid Drinkers You Just Felt the Need to Start with Your Nonsense! But That's Ok, I Have Big Shoulders! :D


Not a Member
As a driver and clergyman I must inject here that the mocking of the good book is a direct mocking of Gods word. Mr. Poorboy even if was not meant to be offensive you really need to ask for forgiveness. You seem to write with much anger my son, a spiritual healing may be in order.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So Jesus never had a sense of humor? I find that very hard to believe. I think God might have a very good sense of humor. After all, just look at that duckbilled platypuss and the human race.

The human race was given a sense of humor, the human race was made in the image and likeness of God. God gave us the great gift of humor.

Writing is the style, and it is just style, as part of the bible, is not mocking God.Shoot, it would be interesting to see just how many translations of the passage there are. Please don't insult me by saying that there is only one true translation, I know better than that.

I don't believe for one minute that Jesus, God incarnate, was a stuffy grump who never laughed, never played a practical joke or smiled.

Please, you can believe as you wish, don't imply that my beliefs are wrong. You, and no one, knows God's mind that well.

There is NO one "right way". God shows us all the way that He wants us to follow. It is up to us to follow. Each in their own way.


Expert Expediter
As a driver and clergyman I must inject here that the mocking of the good book is a direct mocking of Gods word. Mr. Poorboy even if was not meant to be offensive you really need to ask for forgiveness. You seem to write with much anger my son, a spiritual healing may be in order.

Tell ya what, My Minister (Methodist) Lives 4 Doors down from me, So what I'll do When I Get Home I'll Print This Whole Thread and Take it down to Him and See What He Says! If he says the same as You, Then So Be It, and I am Man enough to admit when I was Wrong, But I will NOT Admit to being wrong if I Wasn't and I Believe When I Posted This Joke that I Wasn't!
And No I'm Not Angry at All, You see, when I Get a Response Like the One Condeming what I Submit (Usually when I'm Not Praising Obumma), Then I Know it is a Personal Thing Between Him and I, Not That he would ever admit to it But I Know it is!! But That's Ok, I Just Laugh at all The Drivel! I Feel that if it would Have Been Anyone Else Besides the Moron in Chief being Named, then I sure wouldn't Have Heard from anyone Condeming the Joke! I'll Be Back with You In a Couple of weeks! After Checking with my Minister :D


Not a Member
I have been reading Gods Word since childhood. I have yet to find a passage where He played practical jokes. The mocking or parody of Holy scripture is something you will have a chance to defend and it will not be with me. I'll say a special prayer for you two. The venom with which you both type is another matter which I will also say a prayer for you both.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I can always use prayers, thank you, I too will keep you in mind.

Tell me, was every instance of a 33 year life documented? I think not.

I was under the impression that Jesus was God become man. Man has fun, laughs, jokes. If Jesus never did any of that does that mean that humor was not a gift from God?

Don't take this wrong, I cannot understand your beliefs or maybe learn if I don't ask. A curious mind is another of God's gifts. I have no, what you call venom, towards you or your beliefs, I honestly don't understand.


Expert Expediter
I have been reading Gods Word since childhood. I have yet to find a passage where He played practical jokes. The mocking or parody of Holy scripture is something you will have a chance to defend and it will not be with me. I'll say a special prayer for you two. The venom with which you both type is another matter which I will also say a prayer for you both.

I am Not Doubting you when you say that you have been reading Gods word.

And Thank You for the Prayers, Never Hurts to Have One More!
I can Assure that there is No Venom in what I Type, Sometimes a Sharp word or two But Not Venom!

Thanx again for the Prayers :)