Protest on Wall St. What the news media won't show you


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I know I am considered among other things conspiricacy theorist and all but hey at least you all get see another side :p And why is the media so quiet about this? Might be that it could lead to more people waking up? Why is the media covering the shysters that want billions?

Protests took place on Wall St. to protest the bail out plan - and the mainstream news media didn't even mention it
Hundreds of protestors demonstrated agains the proposed $700 Billion bail out plan for the finance and banking industry, yet the national news media in America didn't even report it! Why not? It seems strange that this barely generated a gander from the big news outlets like ABC, CNN, CBS, NBC etc. all of whom have a presence in New York City. Despite having such a large protest event occurring in their backyard, the major news media chose not to tell the American people about it. I had to stumble upon this on the internet to find out about it. That's really indicative of the pathetic state of affairs in the U.S. media today.

Anyway, in case you haven't seen it, I have collected a bunch of video from the protests on Wall Street (Sept. 25) and posted them below. Have a look at what the news media DIDN'T show you! Warning: some of the protest videos contain profanity.

Protests on Wall Street - what the news media isn't showing you
YouTube - Protest Against the Bush Bailout on Wall Street

YouTube - Americans speak out against BAILOUT - Wall Street Protest


YouTube - Bailout Protest Wall Street 9/25/08

YouTube - "NO BAILOUT" "YOU BROKE IT YOU BUY IT" Wall Street Protest

YouTube - "you f$%ked up suck it up!" WALL STREET PROTEST

Actually a you tube comment that was quite good...Will it happen no, but we can wish................

Let these ----house banks & brokerage firms fall to pieces, the sooner the better. Give them nothing, In fact, the greedy wh--esl-- corporate executives & the senior & middle managers of any of these firms in question should have all their business & personal assets seized immediately; leave them with nothing. Have them publicly humiliated, arrest them and sentence them to life in prison in general population at San Quentin.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Sharpton is needed to bring out the press!! Oh yea he's in GEORGIA this week protesting the execution of a CONVICTED POLICE KILLER death penalty case!!


Veteran Expediter
I know I am considered among other things conspiricacy theorist and all but hey at least you all get see another side :p And why is the media so quiet about this? Might be that it could lead to more people waking up? Why is the media covering the shysters that want billions?


Maybe the press is saying anything because they don't want to make life any harder on their cousins. The press=Zionists Wall Street and Bankers=Zionists


Expert Expediter
The thing I find odd is this. Many were saying the bailout was a bad idea. Tax payers shouldnt have to foot the bill, etc. Today, the Republicans got mad over a Pelosi speech and kept the bailout from becoming reality. Now, the Republicans are bad for not taking action to help the economy...

I dont get it. LOL


Seasoned Expediter
Speaking of conspiricacies...I have been scratching my head for days trying to figure this one out. Put aside how I feel about the bail out, put aside my political opinions, just one very puzzling question...Since when has Palosi, Reid, Frank, Kerry, or Obama ever agreed with GW or supported any of his ideas? That alone tells me something is very, very wrong here and scares the crap out of me.


Not a Member
Speaking of conspiricacies...I have been scratching my head for days trying to figure this one out. Put aside how I feel about the bail out, put aside my political opinions, just one very puzzling question...Since when has Palosi, Reid, Frank, Kerry, or Obama ever agreed with GW or supported any of his ideas? That alone tells me something is very, very wrong here and scares the crap out of me.

Even more puzzling is that yesterday Wall Street went down the tubes, People lost 1.1 trillion yesterday. More then the bail out...Im still trying to figure that one out..So they lost 1.1 trillion yesterday. How much today and tomorow? And they are taking the next two days off with all of these trillions being lost for a Jewish Holiday?? HMMMMMMM I know my one buddie who is Jewish can't afford the day off..But these shylocks losing paper trillions can? Then how many days till they agree on another shakedown? (Congress/senate/Bush and crew)....How come it falls at this time???? I can smell a rat here and a well engineered stock market crash.. Think about it..All those stocks 401ks etc won't have to be paid out.
The extreme rich won't have to worry just the workers will have to.They have assets and money.
Crash the system like 1929 all over again and bingo buy whats left for pennies on the dollar..Hold on a bit more then double it.After we all ready lost a 1.1 trillion yesterday..So why bail them out now?


Veteran Expediter
Was watching the news the other day ..... don't remember the program ..... coulda been on PBS ....... but they listed, individually, the drop in the value of the personal portfolios of Paulson and about a dozen of his buddies (corporate heads of Wall Street financial firms) within the last month or so ....... the total devaluation of their personal portfolios was in the BILLIONS of dollars ........ anybody have any questions about why we need a bailout for Wall Street firms' bad decisions and poor investments now ?

(..... one that gives the Treas Sec nearly absolute power - including the ability to spend our money to bailout foreign central banks - with no oversight on his decisions, which are not legally reviewable by any court .....)

Ask yourself this: If the government (ie. you as a taxpayer) buys out the Street's so-called bad investments (primarily bad real estate loans) and then is going to resell them ........ who ya figure is gonna buy 'em - and at what price ? :confused:

Well, lessee ...... I can think of one group that is gonna be flush with cash to invest ...... :cool:

Figure it out folks - if this thing (or anything similar to it) passes in the future, you are just one step closer to total economic slavery ..... :(

Because it will ultimately end up confiscating your (and your children's and their children's) Future Economic Production (wages, earnings, and investment income) :mad:

What level of confiscation of your wealth are ya willing to live with ? ..... 50% ? ....... 75% ? .......... 85% ?


Seasoned Expediter
RLENT, when I read that line I couldn't believe they would have that line so early in the bill. I would of thought they would of buried much deeper. I think that was when I said to myself enough and decided to write my representatives. I downloaded it around 1 or 2 in the morning and sent the letter via email so they would know how I felt before the vote. Apparently they thought they had enough support to pass this, but something happened between Sun night and Monday afternoon. I think it was all the letters and calls they received from the people who saw how horrible this bill was.


Veteran Expediter
The interesting thing about it is that there were actually some in Congress who read it, knew what it was - and refused to go along with with the strong-arm tactics of the administration and those in power in Congress ........

This rebellion actually crossed party lines ...... and included some unlikely figures (one was Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) .... someone who I consider a borderline nutjob (ultra-liberal Dem) She rightly referred to it as a rip-off of the American people.

Like was mentioned earlier ...... the fact that the Democratic leadership and the Administration were both so totally onboard with trying to ram this thru .... with no real hearings .... reeaaally oughta tell ya something .....

That these yokels would try and pull something so bold says volumes .......

Despite the best efforts of some on here to utterly delude themselves that there is a real difference between the two parties, this one really oughta give ya a hint ..... they are functionally the same ....... there is no real difference ...... there is only an apparent difference ..... the purpose of which is to divide the population into two opposing camps ..... so they can be kept "busy" and otherwise occupied ........ allowing your so-called leaders to pull crap like this.

Best thing at this point one can do is vote out anyone who is an incumbent and is part of the "inside the Beltway crowd" ....

Failing that, it could be that the times a-comin' where we're gonna need to break out the tar and feathers ........ 'cause these morons (in BOTH parties) ....... jus' don't get it ...... :cool:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Vote out EVERY incumbent, EVERY election, EVERY time. Take away thier power. Won't happen. Layoutshooter

always confused

Seasoned Expediter
protest on wall street ... so what!!! if they had broken a few windows, burned a couple of busses and looted some stores it might have made the news. if they had dragged a few ceo's out and hung them from the streetlamps then i can be reasonably sure it would made it on the nightly network news. with a good lawyer they might even have avoided conviction -- gotten off scott free with a reward for civic action.


Not a Member
Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs made $73.7 million last year .:rolleyes:

Goldman Sachs Lost $58 Billion In Stockholder's Equity :mad:

Talk About A Con Job :p

Lloyd Blankfein, chairman of Goldman Sachs, made $73.7 million last year. James "Jamie" Dimon, chairman of J.P. Morgan Chase, had to make do with $57.2 million, reported Forbes magazine.

No doubt about it, financial executives have made a bundle – sometimes pocketing multimillion-dollar packages while their companies were taking losses that had been run up on their watch. Among them: Charles Prince, former head of Citigroup, ended up with "accumulated benefits" of $29 million; Stanley O'Neal, who ran Merrill Lynch & Co., got $161 million in accumulated benefits, and Martin Sullivan of AIG received a severance package of $47 million.

How Does It Work?

These guys don't make cars, or raise crops, or really make anything. What they do is stand in front of the carnival tent and tell the hicks to come see the 'Golden Goose' lay golden eggs. They paint pictures of great enterprises rising to the needs of America.

What no one realizes that when the shows over all that is coming out is what stockholders put in. If twenty people put $1,000,000 in the the pot, and now Goldman Sachs says the pot's worth $10,000,000, they are dreaming. The trick is that Goldman revalues all the stock off the price of the last share.

Are These Industry Giants Or Just Carnival Barkers?

When you buy $10,000 worth of stock, the carnie gets 10%. Like all pyramid schemes, the few that get out early win, but 90% of the people lose. Out of that $10,000 the Zio-Carnies will get $8,000, and you will get $2,000.

Just look at the Washington Mutual scam. Mr Jones invested $10,000, and all he got back was $50 . Just ask yourself, did the other $9,950 just vanish, or is it in someone else's pocket?


Veteran Expediter
These guys don't make cars, or raise crops, or really make anything.
You got it Beem .... ;)

Say .... can anyone remind me ..... what's the definition of "parasite" ?

What they do is stand in front of the carnival tent and tell the hicks to come see the 'Golden Goose' lay golden eggs.
Would almost be funny wouldn't it ? ...... if it weren't so sad ....

They paint pictures of great enterprises rising to the needs of America.
There certainly are "great enterprises rising to the needs of America" ..... problem is, it ain't them ...... :cool:


Not a Member
You got it Beem .... ;)

Say .... can anyone remind me ..... what's the definition of "parasite" ?

Would almost be funny wouldn't it ? ...... if it weren't so sad ....

There certainly are "great enterprises rising to the needs of America" ..... problem is, it ain't them ...... :cool:

What truly is sad is people that blindly defend these zionist shylocks with all their scams and taxes on the American Goyim.
That is why they get away with it..This bailout they will still forclose the properties..Keep the money they already have from them.Sell them again get more money..Go after previous mortgage holder (remember bankruptcy laws were changed this year) (wonder why ?)..So previous owner, new owner, American Taxpayers....A country any more by and for 2.75 percent of the population...add our 51 st maybe 3 percent.How any one in any concious defend them is beyond me


Veteran Expediter
Beemer... are you heading to McGoldstein's later? I suggest the Chicken McMatza with extra kutzpah.

Yes, there is greed on Wall Street. But even a dumb banker knows that you don't make bad loans. The ones who are blaming Wall Street are the ones who pushed the bankers to make bad mortgages... THE GOVERNMENT. THAT is why everything is collapsing. They caused it, and now they want to fix it? HA!


Veteran Expediter
"Dumb bankers"? Of course they'll make a 'bad loan' - they're not going to be stuck holding the bag when the loan defaults! By the time the borrower is in deep financial trouble, the loan has been sold several times over.
Hawk, you think that people were buying more house than they could afford, but I think the percentage of folks who knowingly did so is very small. The majority of folks in trouble now were either misled by the mind boggling complexity of mortgage deals offered, (relying on the 'financial experts' at the bank who stood to profit by the loan), or folks who actually could afford the payments - until a job loss, or illness, or other negative event decreased their income.
I agree with RELENT - that a 'crisis' appeared with so little time to absorb & debate the truth is VERY scary.
And I've been saying we should vote out every incumbent for years now, because they no longer represent 'we, the people'.



Veteran Expediter
Cheri... the small number of loans defaulting IS the reason we're in this mess. Yes, knowing that the gubermint will bail us out not only encourages bad lending, but encourages ppl to not be responsible for their own decisions.A good number of us, who play by the rules, are pizzed that we are left holding the bag, AND are penalized for playing by the rules and KNOWING what we got ourselves into when we signed our mortgage.

Mike Church said it best (sarcastically): I want the government to bail ME out TOO! Why should I have to pay MY mortgage, when I can sit on my arse, get drunk, lose my job, and have the government take care of me?

Yes, ppl get in trouble thru no fault of their own. But it seems more and more are WILLINGLY putting themselves in the position to get gubermint assistance. THAT is scary!