Prostate cancer awareness


Veteran Expediter
Are any of you familiar with Clark Howard , the consumer advocate with a radio show , HLN segment and Clark website ? Last week he announced he has prostate cancer . He has been watching his PSA levels for a couple of years . I listened to his radio show . He is asking listeners not to be overly concerned about him . Early detection almost guarantees a cure . Clark's concern is for his listeners . He is urging all men over 50 (40 if African American or there is a history of prostate cancer in the family ) to be tested . Knowing how men are he is urging wives to nag their husbands , brothers and fathers to be tested . Don't assume because you feel fine and pass your DOT physical there can't be a problem . I know .
Last summer I wanted to increase my life insurance . I'd get a lower rate if I took a physical . Why not ? I had regular checkups and my doctor said I was in great shape . When the test results came back I was declined coverage due to high PSA readings . So what was that ?? My PSA reading was 6 . Checking online research showed readings above 4 were a possible sign of prostate cancer and a biopsy was recommended . I needed an appointment with my PCP for a referral to a urologist , then an appointment with a urologist , then an appointment for a biopsy . It was October before a biopsy was done . It confirmed what we pretty much knew but the amount of cancer was small and appeared to be confined to the prostate . I opted for robotic surgery to remove the prostate and the earliest available date for surgery was February 12 . When the cancer is confined to the prostate a skilled surgeon can perform nerve sparing surgery to minimize possibility of the most feared side effects of prostate surgery - incontinence and impotence . My surgery was done on schedule by one of the best surgeons in the country at one of the highest rated facilities in the country - Dr. Joseph Smith at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville . My recuperation is going very well . Pathology reports showed negative results for cancer on all tissue samples taken after the prostate was removed .


Veteran Expediter
Good post, thanks for the reminder for men to be aware of this. Just wanted to point out.. What??? You had to wait until February even tho you guys pay thru the nose for your medical stuff? Isn't that one of the main reasons you Americans give for not wanting 'national healthcare', because of your fears that you'd have to wait?


Veteran Expediter
I waited because I opted for robotic surgery . There are a limited number of surgeons with equipment to do it . The more experience a surgeon has the better chance of successful surgery with minimal side effects . It is recommended to find a surgeon that does this surgery at least once a week . My local urologist only does about 10 a year . He had no problem referring me for better treatment than he could provide . I'm glad you responded from Canada . There is a better treatment for prostate cancer called High Intensity Focused Ultrasound . It has been performed in Europe for over a decade and Canada and Mexico for over 5 years . The FDA has not approved it in the U.S. although several U.S. medical centers are doing clinical trials . Insurance companies say they will not cover procedures not approved by FDA American doctors meet their patients in Mexico for the procedure and some of these patients have been reimbursed by their insurance company when they turned he paperwork in .


Veteran Expediter
Cool! Altho I'm not sure I'd want to meet my doc in Mexico to have a medical procedure done!
I remember a few years ago, knowing an older gentleman who had prostate cancer, and he was on some kind of new medication which was supposed to dissolve it or something. It was outrageously expensive, but he couldn't get it covered until he reached a certain age and then he'd be on whatever it is that older retired people can get to cover their meds.
It struck me weird that here they had this remedy, if not a cure exactly, that was available, and yet not affordable for those without a 'good' prescription drug benefit plan. I felt like, what?.. only the rich can afford the better treatment? That stinks!
But I guess that's exactly the kind of thinking that Americans hate, you seem to think it's ok that the good health coverage only goes to those that can afford to pay (and from what I hear, it's very very expensive!). S'ok if the rest just die or have inferior treatment, while some get the stuff that either cures or prolongs their lives. Like Joe-Blow and his family's lives are less valuable than Mr. Gates and his family, because Joe-Blow happens to have an inadequate job. How you could be happy with that kind of system is beyond me, and is like cutting off your nose to spite your face, so to speak.
And btw, when I say 'you', I'm not speaking to 'you' specifically. :)


Veteran Expediter
The procedure HIFU costs $25,000 if not covered by insurance . It will be done for no cost if you can participate in clinical trials . I was surprised at the level of treatment available to me but I guess insurance companies its most economical to cover a quick , complete cure rather than provide ongoing treatments for incurable cancer .


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Prostate cancer is the most prevelent cancer in the U.S. It is often very curable if found in time. Preventive maintenece, just as with your truck, is the key. Find it early. You should be checked every time you go into the doctor for your lube and oil change. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
One of the times I had my test there was a substitute doctor...he had hands and fingers of a football receiver!!! Outch!!:eek: Now they say they have a blood test for it!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is called a PSA test and is effective to a point. It is still important to have a "digital" exam every couple of years. layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Yeah , before the PCP referred me to the urologist he did a digital . Then of course the urologist had to have his own "opinion". But that was nothing compared to the biopsy . The urologist gave me the choice of having one in the hospital under anesthesia or at his office and he'd give make a valium to take before coming to the office . He said it was a 10 minute procedure so I opted for the office . Longest 10 minutes of my life .


Veteran Expediter
Have been getting prostate exams for several years, now. The only problem is when I am finished it takes several days to get the smile off my face.


Veteran Expediter
The humor? was not to lessen the importance of "preventive maintenance". I regularly go to the doc. The "digital" doc has been monitoring a cyst on my left kidney with a sonagram for about ten years. This year, they found a malignant cancer on my right kidney. Had the kidney removed. If I hadn't been monitoring the cyst the cancer probably wouldn't have been found until too late.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The oldprof is right, we use humor about this subject because it envoles an envasive, un-pleasent and embarssing proceedure. You just have to make fun of it. That by no means lessons the importance of keeping up on your maintinece. Layoutshooter