ProHeat question


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I went out to my truck the other morning to check on things. The APU had come on itself to charge the batteries. It sounded BAD. It was blowing a LOT of blue smoke. I shut it down right away. I checked the oil, OK. Both belts were fine, just had both of them replaced two weeks ago.

I let it sit for about 10 minutes and tried to restart it. It fired right up and ran perfect. Been running fine ever since.

Anyone have any ideas?

I am lost on this one.


Seasoned Expediter
I am not familiar with that apu, however if it is operated on a glow plug system that could be bad, if it has some type of electric choke I would look there, irregardless that would be where I would start. Hope that gives you at least an idea where to start.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I am not familiar with that apu, however if it is operated on a glow plug system that could be bad, if it has some type of electric choke I would look there, irregardless that would be where I would start. Hope that gives you at least an idea where to start.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App

It is a two cylinder Izuzu IF I remember correctly. Two cylinder for sure. I did NOT buy the truck new, had no book on the APU and Carrier could not get me one. :(


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Glow plugs could be the issue or the wiring going to it. Other possibility is the electric fuel pump is hanging up. That is assuming that it has a good air filter on it. Manuals can be downloaded from the Carrier site.

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
might have been as simple as a stuck ring keep an eye on it and use it like normal. i think the engine in the pro heat is either koehler or kubota.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Glow plugs could be the issue or the wiring going to it. Other possibility is the electric fuel pump is hanging up. That is assuming that it has a good air filter on it. Manuals can be downloaded from the Carrier site.

All filters/belts are only two weeks old. I will check the site. I could not find the books before, Scott's has not been able to find it either. I have NO idea as to why.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
give bill moore at tsi a call they are western star dealer
in north jackson oh off of i76 they are best for working on proheat


Veteran Expediter
The last APU I had, every once in a while it would loose fuel pressure after sitting. It did the same thing but always straightened itself out.
Mine also had a hand pump by the fuel filter. Don't know if yours is like that, but if it struggles to start just pump it a couple of times and it will kick right off.