It is less about the loss rate per mile and more about the actual loss. Look at the limits of many auto policies. It's a fraction of what you and I carry so the lawyers come after the money.My peve with insurance is we pros that drive an average of 50,000 to 100,000 pluss miles a year carry high coverages and have the beter driving records and accident free miles driven as compared to the average driver but pay the highest premium. Meanwhile the average person driving 5,000 10,000 miles per year that should not even be driving can get insured for dirt cheap and low coverages and have a higher loss rate per miles driven.
The average person has an at loss accident aproximately every five years. The reason why our insurance rates are always increasing is we are paying thier losses. However Ive always belived you cant be over insured and good coverages hpoefuly reduce the risk of loosing everything in a lawsuit.
Bob Wolf.
Yup, and from my experience as a fleet owner, the big companies just do a better job hiding and justifying the fraud. Glad it's just me now.Well when a company signs contracts that stipulate terms and they do something different knowingly that is unethical and really fraud. That applies no matter what size a company is big or small.
Yup, and from my experience as a fleet owner, the big companies just do a better job hiding and justifying the fraud. Glad it's just me now.
Well, when over half my loads for my vans where offered under a buck a mile I started selling my vans as drivers moved on. And even you wonder kids running for "good money" are kidding yourself. With today's overhead the margins are garbage.We're glad it's just you now,too.
Go run some .85 cpm freight.
This the point of the thread. Individuals were getting insurance cheaper than a carrier could. It never made sense and the insurance Connie's are figuring out the real loss exposure and it is adjusting accordingly.
LOL.... exactly!You obviously didn't grow up on a dairy farm
So your sayin a carrier with 300 vans, straight trucks and tractors and some drivers with speeding tickets and logbook violations should be able to buy insurance cheaper than someone like me with one van and a perfect driving record. When you break the carriers policy cost down to a per unit cost it will still be higher based on the carriers higher risk factor.
I just got renewal letter from Progressive and I was in shock. Rate went up $1200 per year
I called CIS and I was told that because of storm sandy progressive is raising rates across the board
$1200 is just too much !!!!
Give Flo a raise!!![]()
Hi Guys,
I got a "heads up" there was a thread on Progressive Insurance rates on EO, and after I read through I thought I’d respond as CIS writes most of their business through Progressive.
Yes, Progressive rates have gone up for anyone with an MC number or Owner Operators hauling for multiple carriers. No, it’s not because of Hurricane Sandy, it’s because the Expediting Loss ratio for Progressive on this segment is currently sky high. (Example: For every 1 dollar they’re insuring, they’re losing 3.)
This is because of accidents, of course, but also because a few bad apples game the system with incorrect drivers, radius or outright fraud that is unfortunately quite difficult to prove. (I blogged on this subject on Jan 14th.) Some areas, like Illinois based policies, have been especially hard hit with losses.
Another huge challenge is unpaid premium. Because Expediters move around so much...and lately the less than optimal “nomad” joining us (LOL)…
….they’re hard to track down so a lot of insurance goes unpaid when someone decides within 6 months they no longer want to Expedite and it goes to collections.
CIS is licensed to write for a dozen companies, but the reason we continuously partner with Progressive is because they are the only insurance company that has embraced the Expediting niche for the coverage required.
Traditional Truck Insurance companies don’t want anything to do with Expediting for small Motor Carriers or individual Owner Operators. Traditional General Insurance companies won’t cover Trucking for Hire with an Unlimited Radius. …and there are painful claims issues with these companies when someone sneaks in an Expediter where they don’t belong.
When an Owner Operator is leased on to One Motor Carrier following the traditional format, CIS/Prog still offers better rates, coverage and service to Owner Operators than most in-house company plans. The majority of our clients still find us very competitive.
I’m sincerely sorry some good people are affected as Progressive endeavors to right the financial ship, but I’m confident this storm will pass and we’ll see brighter days ahead. Thanks to all our loyal clients and advocates, we appreciate all of you.
Shelly & John w/ CIS
The concept that one safe driver is a better risk than a fleet is mathematically simply not true. The larger the fleet risk is spread. A safe small fleet can not spread risk wether they are at fault or not, the insurance company has to pay in many states. So while one individual may have a great record, he can have one accident (at fault or not) and wipe out years of premiums. It is part of the basic basis of insurance, risk and pricing.
Walmart has overhead that increases their costs too.