Thanks for all of the kind words. Lawyers will tell you, and have told me in the past, that I am a poor judge of character. Yes I have hung around with some undesirables.

I'm really trying hard to be a better person.
NoFear - my opinion is biased because of my affiliation with Premium. I think we are THE company to be with if you are a solo straight truck. For years we operated the majority of our trucks with solo drivers. These trucks have done well in that capacity. I asked our reporting guru recruiter Brian Otto to run a report for the straight trucks. The report was done for the past 6 months from today's date and yielded these results for solo straight trucks: The average pay per loaded mile was $X.XX, the average pay per "all miles" was $Y.YY. Since we all understand that expediting is not all about "miles" - it is about revenue to your truck - the average weekly settlement for these solo drivers for the last 6 months was $Z.ZZ. get the answers you will have to speak with a Premium Transportation Logistics recruiter. Being a moderator I know that I can't tell you to call 1-800-661-3166 and press extension 207 for Brian Otto, extension 142 for Anne Keel, or extension 112 for Scott Holcomb. Nor can I tell you if you are out on the road and see a big black Sprinter van wrapped in "Premium" garb that you can speak with Lenny Belcher.
Again, thank you for the kind words.