Possible Solution to staying cool


Veteran Expediter
This is a little solar powered cooling unit. It's supposed to keep your vehicle cool when it's been sitting in the hot sun. I haven't ordered this product so I don't know if it works or not. For $10 it seems like it might be worth a try. I saw an ad on it during a tv show & thought this might be a good idea for staying cool when you're sitting in the hot sun.

I'm going to order one unless someone on here has tried this & knows it doesn't work. I don't know if it'll work when the vehicle is moving or even if it'll work when it's sitting. Still it seems like it's worth a shot.

Take care,



This is being added on after the post: If ya click on the 2nd link rather than the first one, it's a $9.95 offer rather than a $14.95 offer. At least that was the offer as of 6AM Sunday morning. Not sure if it'll change or not. The first link explains the product, but if ya decide ya want the thing, click on the 2nd link to actually order it & save yourself $5.


Expert Expediter
In reading the ad closly, it seems as if it is only a fan.But it is solar powered to save on battery power.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I've seen the ads also. I think it would be good to have, at least for when the vehicle is parked. I don't think it would be enough to stay comfortable too often but it might raise the threshold a couple degrees anyway. Having one in each door would probably do a little more good as well. I think as far as fans go you'd need 2 of the fantastic fan or whatever they call that rooftop fan. One above the seats and one just in front of the QC dome near the back doors. One set to pull air in and the other to push air out. That would do the most for comfort and is what I'd do if I had a van.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
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Veteran Expediter
My wife bought one of those things.

I got to tell you that I think it was hotter with it. She thought that the cab of the truck would be cool enough to get in but it wasn't. I looked at it and it muct be something like a 10 CFM fan.

Speaking of fantastic, Wal-Mart has a camping fan that is battery operated looks like it would fit the standard vent. I think that it may be a good alternative to the expensive fantastic vent.


Veteran Expediter
Darn it Danny, I thought this was just the post I needed for the Load from you know where that I am on. Thanks anyway. Wrong term for Possible Solution to staying cool I thought you were talkin about my blood pressure.....