Political Correctness in Mexifornia


Veteran Expediter
Yea I understand what you are saying.

I don't think we are as enlightened as many of us claim to be, seeing we are claiming to be like God and be able to change the climate back to what it was or stop the climate from changing at the same time when we can't stop starvation and diseases from gaining strength (bring back ddt?).


Retired Expediter
The Dust Bowl days comes to mind how man does in fact change the environment...disastrous results...we ended up having to make it right...

Man is one of the stupidious creatures on this earth..

Now China is doing the very same thing in the western provinces...


Veteran Expediter
The dust bowl didn't change the worlds climate. The dust bowl effected the mid-west/west and was caused by bad farming practices and a lot of clear cutting but that happened before in other places.

I think the Sahara is a good example. Everyone is screaming about global warming but the Sahara shows us what actually is going on with our climate. It was once covered in Ice. It was sort of a nice place to live when the Egyptians got their empire started. Since then it has been getting drier like it was 13,000 years ago but now there is something happening because of global warming - they have more rainfall in the recent years and that has caused it to become (**gasp**) GREEN in some areas.

Back to the dust bowl

Mt. Pinatubo did effect the climate, it caused a bunch of issues that we lived with for years. It was nature, not man made.

The difference is simple, man has no power to actually change the earth as people think - it seems we get a little arrogant when we think that way.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You mean the freedom to kill them, right? :eek:
Just kidding [sort of] - I know that hunting is a reasonable way to control overpopulation, thus helping nature do its' job. And I admire your commitment to preservation - man CAN destroy the Earth, and will, if unchecked.
Just as unchecked immigration can destroy America, and will do so if we don't stop it.

Man is part of nature. Man has been hunting since mankind has been here. Man is a natural predator and belongs in the wild taking game. That is just a fact that there is no way to deny. I know you were sort of kidding. No trying to pick on you or anything. There is no sort of. If I choose to hunt or not it is my business. Just as you choose not to hunt. I am in NO way saying that you are against it or would try to stop me, there are many out there who are. I do EAT better than most!! :p Nuthin better than real food versus that tasteless swill they sell in the stores!!! :D I really enjoy being on the TOP of the food chain!!!!


Veteran Expediter
As governor, you have a problem with 'canels' along the Detroit river/lake Huron in the St Clair Shores' shore line. It seems that the state spent $11M to "clean up" PCBs in the canals and in the process can not find the source. The clean up has been a dismil failure because the levels of PCBs are as high now as they were 14 years ago and still no source has been found.

So your choice is this;

You can just hope the EPA will deem it a superfund site (which is stupid), then come in and spend more money trying to figure out what's going on while spending even more money trying to outsource it to the same company who cleaned it up in the first round.

You can put the state's enviromental people back down there to test and test and test until there is proof that it can be cleaned up.

OR you can call the corp of engineers up and tell them to figure out how to shut the canal access to the lake to protect the lake and then drain all the canals and find out what's really causing it.

So governor Layout, what will you do?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As governor, you have a problem with 'canels' along the Detroit river/lake Huron in the St Clair Shores' shore line. It seems that the state spent $11M to "clean up" PCBs in the canals and in the process can not find the source. The clean up has been a dismil failure because the levels of PCBs are as high now as they were 14 years ago and still no source has been found.

So your choice is this;

You can just hope the EPA will deem it a superfund site (which is stupid), then come in and spend more money trying to figure out what's going on while spending even more money trying to outsource it to the same company who cleaned it up in the first round.

You can put the state's enviromental people back down there to test and test and test until there is proof that it can be cleaned up.

OR you can call the corp of engineers up and tell them to figure out how to shut the canal access to the lake to protect the lake and then drain all the canals and find out what's really causing it.

So governor Layout, what will you do?

Which Canals? I don''t know of any? Do you mean the county drain system that is draining all of SE Michigan? Please expound further. If you have a reference to the canals and their purpose it would help. I have no idea where you are talking about.


Veteran Expediter
These are canals that sit within the subdivisions along the shore. Most of the people use it to tie up their boats and some like it because it is green mucky water but serves no other purpose but as a place for Fish Flies to hang out before becoming road kill.

I heard they were man made, or most of them were but they have retaining walls and docks.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
These are canals that sit within the subdivisions along the shore. Most of the people use it to tie up their boats and some like it because it is green mucky water but serves no other purpose but as a place for Fish Flies to hang out before becoming road kill.

I heard they were man made, or most of them were but they have retaining walls and docks.

Most of what you are calling "canals", if I got what you are speaking of, were either channels through the marshes that were once in the area and then were dug out when the marshes were drained or there were a few dug for the reason you suggest.

From what little I know of the PCB pollution the sources have long since gone. What is happening now is when they dig it up it stirs up the muck and releases trapped toxins back into the water. They were able to clean up the "Black Hole" near Humbug Marsh a few years ago They used a "vacuum" system to extract the mud and did very little "digging" They took out muck down to almost 15' IF I remember correctly. It is been a very long time since I talked to anyone on this subject.

My first move, if I had control, was to consult with people who know far more than I do on the subject. The Corps being one. Chemical people etc. I would like to see 2 or three serious plans, cost vs. benefit etc.

I would be in favor of sealing them off, short term. The last I talked to someone on this the line of thinking was that as slit covers the bottom it will "seal" the PCB's in place and they will more or less stay there unless disturbed. Maybe a combination of sealing, using a vacuum like they did at Humbug would work. I would need to consult with experts. I would be hiring the best I could find. As governor it is NOT my job to know all the answers. The governor is a manager. A good manager sets the goals, hire the best he/she/it can find to meet those goals, and let's them work.

As to the fish flies, they are a clean water species that require high oxygen levels in the water. They were in bad shape and in heavy decline in the late '60's through early '70's as local oxygen contents were falling everywhere. As the water has been cleaned up they are coming back nicely. Good thing too. They are a major part of the area's life cycle.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Here is an idea Greg. I have no idea in the world if anyone has explored this or not.

Is that tainted mud worth anything as a commodity? Are there chemicals that can be extracted that can be sold? Is it possible to "clean up" the mud and use it for fertilizer? It is very high in nutrients.

If there were money to be made, other than collecting government pay checks, maybe we could get private industry to take it out for profit. Then the State would MAKE money on tax revenue and unemployment would be lowered a bit.

Just thinking out loud.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
LOS said Isn't it the same qualifications to be President?

Nope. Managers need a working brain, real life experience and the ability to allow those working for them to do the jobs that they are assigned. They need the brains, background and foresight to put the right kind of people in a job.

Obama does not have ANY of those qualities!! I am not saying any other president did either, Obama is just the bum in office so HE gets picked on now. It is his turn in the barrel so to speak. IN FACT, a barrel might be a great place for him, as long as you seal it up and close the bung hole!!!! :p