Expert Expediter
Now today I was a bit irritated when I took a load from Georgetown, KY to Fremont, OH. I was in the northbound lane on I-75 about 10 miles before you get to the Flying J there on exit #171 when I seen two vehicles tailgaiting me in the left lane when I was passing a semi. Now the speed limit on that particular stretch is 70mph i was going "exactly" that with my spedometer set on cruise control. Now there shouldn't be any reason for these vehicles to be following me as close as they were...no further than 5 ft away from my bumper, so I moved over to let them pass as soon as I passed the semi driver. Now what really got me is when I seen they had a sherriff's sticker on the back window of both cars. One was a Cadillac and the car behind it was a grey SUV with the plate "2BCUFFD" on it. Both cars were going at least 80mph. I won't say which state was on the liscense plate, but i know for sure when I am going thru this state if I was going over the speed limit I would be pulled over and fined. My job depends on my driving record. Wouldn't someone think that theirs would too? I mean they are officers of the law and should lead by example. Anyway I guess that's my big post for the night and it just urks the heck out of me that they can do this and even if they get pulled over probably get away with it. What's yall's thoughts on this?
Panther x(
Panther x(