Please help


Expert Expediter
Let Panther for 6 mos and now I am back, came back on Jan 23.
Had 4 loads for a total of 970 miles.
Before I left did about 2000 mile a week avg. for the year.
5 years with them and now I always seem to be on the wrong board even when I am within a couple of miles of a town, I end up being on boards more then 50 miles.
Had a cash flow when I came back but thats all gone now. The first two weeks I sit on almost every board in eastern Ohio and got nothing.
Right now I am in Carisle, PA at the J broke out of gas just about and no money and no loads, so I can't move.
Talked to dispatch and was told that there was nothing on the board in Harrrisburg Board, and there was 2 vans that came in this morning that would get out first because I was 2 miles off that board, even though I have been here 2 days they had to get loaded first.


Veteran Expediter
on the 20th picked up in bethlehem pa dropped in shippensburg pa drove to carlisle flying j was there 5 minutes while filling up got a load from trumbauersville pa to platts burg ny north american specialty class ships 2 van loads a day out of there usually to ny,,,now i really didnt want the load because its 150 miles north of abilene ny, snow country and cold..i took the load, wasgiven 2 loads within a hour and was taken off them from safety because i needed a 5 hour break, after sleeping 5 hours got a load from north creek ny to greenville sc, 950 miles with a .42 cent fuel surcharge..huge snow warnings in pa, but made it on time..did a dh to charlotte nc and guess what charlotte is not even a board anymore, at least its 50 deg outside...


Veteran Expediter
Wow that Post was depressing. Out of Gas out of $ funds back fiunds depleted?

How could you let this happen? Now what is your plan? 2 miles off the board you know the system better than that, if not you will in the future.

I wish you well, and more than that I hope you get a suprise load SOON.


Retired Expediter
dispatch is going to do him in for 2 lousy miles????

Just re-inforces my belief that boards are useless.