Good Luck with you and your families future. You are very wise to ask lots of questions and to do your research before you jump. Good for you! A boy needs his dad and your wife needs you.
You can expedite part time and make good money doing it. I did it for a number of years leased to a small local carrier before I got my own authority and became a carrier myself. The real easy money comes when you get your own authority and there is still lots of easy money out there. Lease on to that small carrier you said about and learn. After 3 to 4 years of running for them you can then decide if you want to stay with them or go on your own. I deadhead home after every run and am never away more than 3 days at a time and also run a second part time business.
Dude, stay home with your kid. Be there every night to ask about the homework and the sports or music or whatever. Kids need full time parents, parentS, not a dad that's gone for days at a time. Those years will be gone and you'll never get them back. Listen to the song Cat's in the Cradle by Harry Chapin and ask yourself if that's the old age you want. Your wife needs a full time husband during those years too, especially with the challenges of nursing school.
I run a gutted 15 passenger window van. In Pa. they are classified as a station wagon and plated as a standard passenger car. Plates are $36 a year as compared to $198 for a 1 ton cargo van.
One thing Linda and I am very proud of is our Daughter Heather. She is a senior at
Kent State, and is now completing her student teaching requirements before graduating
in '09.
We never missed one teachers meeting, swim meet, softball game, or orchestra recital
in her 1st twelve years of school.
Its a special time, I encourage you to be with your child.