Be aware of level of expenses. I ran for 30 weeks last year, earnings were $92k. Expenses were $45k...$47k income before self-employment tax. Not horrible but every expense is mine with the excepting of cargo insurance which is covered by the company I'm contracted with. I also have the advantage of 95% of my loads coming from one customer and I get round trip mileage. Entering my 5th year delivering the same item all over the country.
When I first started it was living life on the road waiting for that phone call. That life sucks, both myself and the company I'm contracted with realized this and we changed tactics. Dedicated work that initially was daily and had me home every night. It morphed into this new gig which for me pays well enough that I don't waste time with waiting for work that gets me back home.
You're getting advice on here for some people who have done this for much longer than I have. Listen to them, they know their
