Pic-a-da-day part 2


Not a Member
>Mike, I use Photobucket and can't seem to get pictures to
>post on E.O. unless I use the small format. Would swear I
>have posted large photos in the past. Oh well! Maybe I
>will try Picas and experiment. Thanks!
Moot I tried pix resizer bit didn't give me the option for KBytes..
As of current I have over 10k files stored online w/ Picasa and go there for my selection..
Although I do use Photoshop I cannot get images to post after editing so I save em for a golden day or at least till some can use the same software as Picasa for ease of use..
I like taking pics but don't like spending too much time processing and trying to refit to view at least not yet..
POD BTW is a gorilla at Knoxville zoo picking his fav pic


Veteran Expediter
RE: RE%3A Pic-a-da-day part 2

AHHH! I'm blind. x( :7

-A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. - Henry Ford


Not a Member
RE: RE%3A Pic-a-da-day part 2

Nm has the best skylines imho..
Todays submission "sitting on the dock of the bay"
San Francisco
"Don't Taze me Bro"


Expert Expediter
Another pic of the Halloween evening sunset at a Virginia scenic overlook off of US123 10/31/07 By far 1 of the Top 10 Sunsets that I have ever seen!


Not a Member
>Another pic of the Halloween evening sunset at a Virginia
>scenic overlook off of US123 10/31/07 By far 1 of the Top
>10 Sunsets that I have ever seen!

I like it...


Veteran Expediter
RE%3A Pic-a-da-day part 2

Here is a picture I took in Michigan. Just figuring out how to post a picture, so sorry so large.


Not a Member
RE: RE%3A Pic-a-da-day part 2

Sarah you did it right till not clicking on file type...
Be sure to click on j-peg as file type... look forward to your post


Expert Expediter
RE: RE%3A Pic-a-da-day part 2

Can't remember where we were but we were HIGH up.. maybe Wyoming?
June 6 07


Veteran Expediter
RE: RE%3A Pic-a-da-day part 2



Veteran Expediter
RE: RE%3A Pic-a-da-day part 2

okay, at least I got the picture to show up now...lol. Now, to figure out how to make it a little smaller next time. That's a picture of a road that was accidentally found in Michigan. We were in the car, decided to experiment with the GPS, and ended up on some 2-track road, but discovered this nice road! My pics aren't too detailed cause I just have a point and shoot right now. Can't wait to upgrade!


Veteran Expediter
RE: RE%3A Pic-a-da-day part 2

> My pics aren't too detailed cause I just
>have a point and shoot right now. Can't wait to upgrade!

Not bad for a point and shoot. But with a camera that you can control the aperture and the amount of light you could vary the depth of field and exposure for a very dramatic shot.

When it comes to portrait shots, Mrgoodtude's great shots are due more to his subjects than to his talent or his camera and lenses. He sure has some cute subjects. No offense to your talent Mike, but with subjects like that everyone is a pro.