Perry...he is in the race...


Veteran Expediter
The major news outlets, this morning, are saying the three major contenders for the Republican nomination are Bachmann, Perry and Romney. I fully agree.
Lemme guess ...... you were a parrot in former life ? :confused:
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Veteran Expediter
Bachman, like Palin is all theatrics, nothing else.

And Perry telling the Iowa audience that Bernanke was treasonous? What was that? Do you honestly believe Perry would have him tried for treason? Perry is as theatrical as Liberace was. At least Liberace backed up his glitter.


Not a Member
And Perry telling the Iowa audience that Bernanke was treasonous? What was that? Do you honestly believe Perry would have him tried for treason? Perry is as theatrical as Liberace was. At least Liberace backed up his glitter.

Here's the difference: Perry's statement regarding Bernanke's currency devaluation touches upon an actual real world issue that affects us all. Bachman and Romney talk a good game about how opposed they are to the current administration without touching upon anything specific.

Now, do I think Perry would actually have Bernanke tried for treason? Of course not. However, he'd be more likely to replace him with a true inflation hawk which we very much need in that position than any of the other front runners. Romney would probably reappoint Bernanke or appoint another status quo figure. Bachman, being clueless on economics would probably appoint someone as clueless on monetary policy as she, herself is.

As for Bachman. She's nothing more than a typical social conservative who conveniently hitched her wagon to the Tea Party express. Beneath, the surface, she's just as pro establishment as all the other neo cons in the party.

I don't care for Perry any more than you do but he's the lesser of the three evils between him, Romney and Bachman. The only candidate with an (R) next to his name worth pulling the lever for, IMHO is Ron Paul. I know he doesn't stand a chance but he represents a true paleo conservative/libertarian approach that is very much needed in Washington.

If it came down to Perry and Obama, Perry's monetary stance would be the tie breaker that earned my vote. If it's Romney or Bachman, you might as well just hold your nose for another 4 years of Obama.

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