My support for Gingrich comes from his ACTUAL record as speaker of the house. Not what he sais.
Gingrich has an actual voting record for cutting government. I want freedom to riegn again in the US. The only way that is going to happen is if we elect REAL small gov people.
I know one thing for sure Perry, Romney and Huntsman have 0 credbility on small gov.
The United States is so screwed up we can't get this one wrong. If we don't severly roll back the Federal and State Govs, The baby boomers will be the last generation of americans to have lived FREE.
I really don't understand why so many people don't get it. The American dream is not about home ownership or free hbealth care or paved roads or good education. The american dream is about FREEDOM, about being able to live your life without so much as a Bye or Leave.
If you read the Declaration of Independance, and compare KIng George to our current Government, the Kings acts were trivial in comparison.
I know none of you care, what I can't understand is why I do. I guess I should just get drunk and watch football like the rest of you.