

Retired Expediter
Where would one go to Apply and purchase the MPSC sticker from Michigan?

I just won an issue with my carrier whether it was a plate or a running authority..Plate meant I'd have to pay for it...Authority they'd have to pay for it! Cheapo's that they are...I told them I'd rather NOT do Michigan p/u's if I had to pay and they relented! So I have to go and get it and they'll reimberse me...YES I have it in writing!

So what do you peeps think? Plate or a running authority...

late for dinner

Expert Expediter
I do believe you only need the msp if you are picking up freight that is going to be delivered in Michigan. Youn can't do that, can you???


Veteran Expediter
Well the mpsc is a pain, the mission of the Michigan Public Service Commission is to grow Michigan's economy and enhance the quality of life of its communities - yea right!

anyway here is the link to the motor carrier section of their site.,1607,7-159-16397---,00.html

I don't remember which form you need (brain dead this morning due to driving all night) but i think it is the Application for Intrastate Motor Carrier Certificate (P-371).

Hope this helps.


Retired Expediter
Greg Thanks alot!

And YES we can do interstate as we work for a US based and plated company now....


Expert Expediter
I am leased to a MI Co. and my truck is plated in OH. I don't (according to Co. compliance office) have to have a MPSC sticker on my rig (which is a good thing as the '06 stickie is a rude PINK color).



Veteran Expediter
Any interstate vehicle has to have an MPSC sticker if they want to do Michigan intrastate loads. That is, both the shipper AND consignee is in Michigan. If you get caught without it, it's a $75 fine.