>i am dyslexic, and there are 7 different types of it
>it is a learning difficulties, and i have the kind i leave
>out words and when i look back at it it say's what i though
>i wrote and sometime else looking at is wondering what i am
>writing about
>and found out about it after doing 21 year's 27 day's and 3
>min's in us navy
>so that's my story and sticking to it
Geo: forgive me, but I think you have the other six kinds of dyslexia, too, lol.
1 The kind that forgets to capitalize proper nouns
2 The kind that puts a plural word like "difficulties" with "it is"
3 The kind that leaves out punctuation, or puts it in the wrong place
4 The kind that misspells , ie: though instead of thought
5 The kind that forgets to capitalize the first word of a sentence
6 The kind that readers who are familiar with your style will get past, because your heart is in the right place - which is much more important than the other stuff, any day!