Pay question


Rookie Expediter
Couple months ago I started driving for the only fleet owner that called me when I applied to Panther. Recently I'm wondering if my lead driver and I are getting a raw deal.

From perusing the board I get that the prevailing split for drivers is 60/40 percentage with the majority going to the driver(s). I myself only get $0.25 per loaded mile that the truck drives. All I know of my lead driver is that he also gets $0.25 per loaded mile. I believe he gets the FSC but I do know that he has to cover any fuel needed for deadhead. Combined that doesn't even reach 40%.

This is causing him to refuse loads that look ok to me but have too much deadhead to get there or to get back to a good area. I'm all for keeping deadhead to a minimum but it seems to me that if the deadhead pay was passed down to him then that would mean less refusals and no more sitting for days waiting on a close by load with mega miles.

Am I correct in my assumptions?

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Expert Expediter
The 60% portion goes to the drivers for most owners IF the drivers pay for all the fuel. If not then the drivers only get 40% of the load and no fsc. That's how we do it and my drivers do about .25cpm as well. I don't think it's that off. The dh I can't answer for. My carrier pays better than panther for dh.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I only did 60/40 with the driver(s) getting 60% plus 100% of the fsc and they paid the fuel. They also got 100% of any deadhead pay since that's basically no more than fuel money, if that. They also got 100% of "people" pay, i.e. hand load etc. unless I was at the same place at the same time and did 1/3 of the work for 1/3 of that pay. Any "time" pay like detention or layover was 50/50 because an hour is the same for both of us.


Rookie Expediter
There really is no contract. Everything was just agreed upon over the phone. I've kept track and the numbers jive each time we're called with pay information.

I'm still learning the ways of expediting and it just didn't seem to make sense to be refusing loads left and right simply over deadhead when the company told me that they pay deadhead miles to help with the fuel.

Thanks y'all. The owner tells me that I'm ready for my own truck. Of course I'll believe it when I see it, but I'm looking forward to the challenge.

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Expert Expediter
Get a contract. Owner may be great and the best at panther, or he could be telling you what he needs to keep you happy and not questioning.

As for dead head, they cover fuel but nothing else. Do u like driving for free? As you drive more in expediting you'll get a feel for where the good areas are to go to and also when a great looking load is really bad because you drive way too much for free or it sends you to a terrible area.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There really is no contract. . .
Ya really do need to have a contract. A contract that spells out the responsibilities of all parties. Otherwise, when shlt hits the fan everything is just a he said, she said situation.


Rookie Expediter
The 60% portion goes to the drivers for most owners IF the drivers pay for all the fuel. If not then the drivers only get 40% of the load and no fsc. That's how we do it and my drivers do about .25cpm as well. I don't think it's that off. The dh I can't answer for. My carrier pays better than panther for dh.

Who was your carrier when you posted this, and do you still drive for them?