Ahh .... I see we have more
comprehensional difficulties here that need to be addressed.
Bubbie, you are taking this to a point where I'm actually beginning to feel some small degree of pity for you ....
please, please for your own self-respect and dignity - just stop the madness ..... and end the continuous humiliation .....
well is he is as honest as some seem to think he will not run third party when he fails to recive the nod from the republican party. There are a great number of these out there where he says he wont run ...
Actually, what you have just stated (that "he says he won't run") is
factually inaccurate - he doesn't say that at all. I suspect, if one were to invest a little effort, one could probably find a clip or two on YouTube where Dr. Paul says directly, that he
has not ruled out running as a 3rd party candidate.
The reason why I suspect this, because I've actually
seen and
heard him say it - on national TV
with my own eyes and ears .....
I'm going to address your so called "evidence" in each of the the video clips you cited:
Video No 1:
Chris Wallace quote:
“Does that mean you might consider an independent run?”
Dr. Paul quote:
“No, it doesn’t mean that at all, I have no intention of doing that. It doesn’t make any sense to me to even think about that, let alone plan to do that.”
(In the above exchange, Wallace ask if
one thing, necessarily means
another ... one can honestly answer that in the negative - but that does not mean that
something else might motivate Dr. Paul to run)
Chris Wallace quote:
Dr. Paul quote:
“Because I don’t want to do it,” [Paul laughing] “That’s a pretty good reason.”
Please contrast any of the above statements by Dr. Paul with the following statement (which are my own words) and explain to me how they are the
same (meaning
identical) as any of Dr. Paul's comments in regards to this matter:
"I will not run as a third-party candidate, ever."
Maybe this is why some members on here seem real touchy when people are pointing out why Paul will not win the nomanation.
No, the only thing I suspect anyone on here is "touchy" about is when someone, who has
repeatedly demonstrated their own
inability to
comprehend the English language, repeatedly makes assertions, which clearly have
no basis whatsoever, in
fact, in regards to what Dr. Paul did, or did not actually say.
Analysis of the remaining two videos to follow