Parental Approved Skip Day


Veteran Expediter
"The Speech" will not be televised at our school today. Busy trying to educate the students. Little enough time to do that as it is.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The solution to BETTER education is to keep the Federal Government OUT OF IT!! Then keep State influence to a minimum and keep the control at the LOCAL level where the PARENTS can retain the control and the responsibility for THEIR childrens education. It IS your responsiblity when you CHOOSE to become a parent. I raised mine. I no longer am responisble for education.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Maybe Presidents should just stick to the responsibilities that they have under the Constitution and other wise mind their own business. If Obama put 1/10th the effort into protecting our borders that he puts into his socialist swill we could have solved that problem a long time ago. The PUTZ!!


Veteran Expediter
OK See here is part of the really serious problem with the republicans. They jumped all over this like white on rice and are now looking like idiots - rightfully so.

The speech and lesson plans were changed, yes that's true but not to expect them to be changed was the real mistake.

Nothing is set in stone and it would have been far far better for the republicans and others not to say a thing until after the fact to make the point - not before. Let Obama make that speech, let the people get a glimpst into what he has in store, let us react to the actual event not the idea of the event.

Too bad it is now caused them to have some lost momentum and if they are still thinking to have MSNBC's personality at large as a republican, I think the party needs to have a serous shake up at the top. I see a few reasons what makes people not like Obama but some of this triggers harsh reaction that should be reserved and quietly done. The tea parties are another thing that could be used against the people who are participating because of the lack of the party that they seem to represent them has no unity.