>Well, I would think that the crossing at Kingston (I'm
>guessing you're refering to the Thousand Islands
>Bridge)would always be quicker as less traffic goes that
>It sounds like US Customs just decided to "go" with PAPS
>whether or not anyone was ready.
This may be old news now, but if you have a FAST Card. The line Release (BRASS) will work. If NO FAST Card, Then one must use PAPS with the shipment coming into the USA. You must Give them enough time for the Broker to get it in the system. Fort Erie, Ontario Ex 5 on the QEW. On the 401 Exit 177 a, North Talbot road. Near London as well as in Windsor. The PPC (Pre Processing Center) will set up your paps for you. London Better as it will give you more time to get to border. Again I faxed Paperwork from Brockville,On to Peace Bridge, Detroit. I called 2 hours later. They could not find paper work. I said It was fax from Shipper. I called 2 hours later..Paperwork found. That was 4 hours.