Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the sto


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

A recording that says "Thank you for calling Panther Expedited Services"


Veteran Expediter
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

> If they sit for a week 200 miles from freight, that could
>be the reason they average 3000 miles per week. Good teams
>must be real hard to find if an owner has to put up with
>that crap. But that 44 cpm seems about a dime short unless
>they are getting paid for all miles.
> You can lead a horse to water, but.....
You know they're not getting deadhead miles . I know some carriers pay a lower rate for deadhead at times but I guarantee nobody gets 44 cents a mile for it .


Veteran Expediter
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

True but, they are only paying 33% of the rate. so my thoughts were that would be the only way I would sign up with that owner.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

Actually it's 36.67% so it's not too far down from the common 60/40 split. Not sure why they chose 44cpm and not 48cpm though. As to the company drivers issue there are none and aren't going to be any. Anyone can do a 401k now and the med benefits are through a third party that each contractor can choose to use or not.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

Well if you assume, yes I used that word and I know what it can mean. Then forty percent of fleet owners rate of $1.35 is real close to $0.54 per mile or a dime less than the going rate. That would be eighteen percent less than the normal 40/60 split. this could possibley allow the owner to pay for resonable dead head. which was the basis for my previous comment.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

But if the owner is getting 60%, then he's responsible for dh costs anyway. If the .44/mi is a company truck, and it is an employer/employee relationship, I'd say it's good, seeing as ssi and unemployment is deducted. However, I don't think that's the case with Panther. In which case makes me wonder where they come up with the .44/mi.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas


Veteran Expediter
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

It was the fact that drivers would sit rather move the truck 200 miles empty for "free".


Veteran Expediter
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

If I'm understanding you correctly, you're saying pay them .44/mi unloaded as well. At 25% dh, that makes it .55/mi. But realisticly, it's more like 40% dh when counting layover moves with Panther, which makes it closer to .62/mi or over 50%. It's possible they're doing just that and keeping the dh number more conservative.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

All of this talk about a fleet owners rate is kind of funny. I do not know what other fllet owners make per mile but our rate is 1.30 per mile.....a lot of fleet owners at panther are still at 1.20 per mile opting to NOT take the 1.30 rate because of all the extra costs associated with that. I think they are advertising the MINIMUM they expecdt a fleet owner to pay contractors. If you do not pay that minimum then you cannot avail yourself of the teams they attract thru that advertising. A team that looks at Panther based on that advertising, then is told they will be paid .08 a mile MORE than that is a very happy team indeed.



Veteran Expediter
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

Well let me clarify a couple of things. We would def. NOT ave sat for a week anywhere. That was their first mistake. In this type of business you need to be more proactive yourself. Second, if you are making a per mile rate then that is just like driving a big semi with a regular company and you would get that rate no matter whether it is d/h or not so you don't care where you have to d/h too. Also at the per mile rate you would be considered an employee and entitled to the benfits of that like 401k and taxes being deducted and the such. In expediting that is not feasable. Unless familyexpt is considering their drivers as employees I don't see the point in a per mile rate. There are more things a team can deduct when they pay their own taxes and make a percentage like 60% and pay their own fuel. Just my opinion. Also yes that team's time was valuable. Would you go into work at a regular job for 5 hours and not get paid for it?

highway star

Veteran Expediter
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

A driver can be paid by the mile and still be an independent contractor. Also, employers aren't required to provide a 401k.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

Bernie, deadhead isn't going to work & not getting paid for it, it's the travel time to get to work - and I've never gotten paid for that anywhere! We just have a longer way to go to get to work :p


Veteran Expediter
RE: Panther Rates on their own banner ad tells the

There are just to many different topics going on to resonable reply to.

Chuckwagon said:
Please tell me this is an error - cause anyone taking this job must be really out of their mind?
The ad which came up as a rotating ad on the below address - stated like 44-cents for a straight truck!
There you have it - its' their ad - and their statement.
Anyone ready to leave now!

I think that has been answered. has brought up a few other issues/questions.