Panther IPO


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
From Reuters:

"WASHINGTON, June 2 (Reuters) - Panther Expedited Services Inc., which provides transportation services, said on Friday it is planning an initial public offering of as much as $250 million in common stock.

UBS Investment Bank, Bear Stearns & Co. Inc. and Wachovia Securities are listed as underwriters in a preliminary offering document filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

It is seeking a Nasdaq listing under the symbol 'PTHR.'"

FORM S-1 (Preliminary Prospectus)


Expert Expediter
Well that would explain the weird msg from the C.E.O yesterday afternoon. I got 2 things to say to this - 1. What in the hell are they going to do wtih 250 mil 2. Where/When do I get my hands on the stock


Expert Expediter
Yes, i will have to keep my eye on this and see what they plan on selling at. I know SZI (express 1) is in the dollar a share range. I wonder what they will be at? I would imagine higher.

Panther to offer 401k's? :+


Expert Expediter
Has anyone recived thier health insurance packets from P2? May be this is all tied together... On the drivers web it stated we should start reciving them by the 26th of May but I yet to get anything.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I got mine in the mail. I haven't studied it yet so I have no comments on it.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 4958, 5447
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter


Expert Expediter
I checked it out. Much cheaper than the blue cross i have now, but the nearest doctor is 200 miles from home. Doesn't pay for me.


Expert Expediter
Ok as voyeur here for a few years, I'll say somthing. Where and when and how much. Panther has been very good to me for the last 2 yrs 3 mths.I have never bought any stocks or anything, but I fill very confident some PTHR is in my future.
hope everyone has a good week.


Expert Expediter
FYI Anyone who isnt intresting in reading the prospectus.... Share are said to be sold at .01/share. That may or may not change. Basicly what thier doing is paying off the investors from when Fenway Partners took over P2 last June. Also they still need pay off 100mil from when they combined with Panther Transport awhile back (when they became P2). P2 posted 13mil in net profits from June to Dec last year. With that number I DONT WANT TO EVER HEAR WE CANT AFFORD DEADHEAD!!! Why should we suffer as drivers to help thier bottom line when thier posting proffits like that??? Anyway enough ranting... I'm going to get some when they IPO. Oh and by the way, don't expect them to pay divends on anything - only class A stock issued to certian people get that and lets just say thier doing pretty well for themselves now.


Retired Expediter
IPO's traditioally are over priced everyone wants a peice of the action which pushes up asking price...better to wait till the price settles down.


Veteran Expediter
Ontario... you're right about settling down. But if you look at certain IPOs that show a lot of interest in the first day, it may be good to grab at the beginning. Boston Market comes to mind (then Boston Chicken). It started around 18, and jumped to 38 by day's end. Of course, it dropped back near or below the initial price, but it was a healthy stock. I recommend anyone who's going to take advantage of any first day fluxuations to be home that day, and keeping an eye on the ticker. Don't get greedy, and sell when you think it's topped out. I hate the feeling "dam I knew I should've..."

highway star

Veteran Expediter
You sound like you could be a savvy day trader Hawk. Could this be the answer to your desire to be home with the kids?


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
T-hawk said it all. Any major company like this is worth grabbing the IPO if you have the cash on hand. I'm a former broker, and I remember some of those 'dang I wish I would have' moments.. new little unknown companies like New Line Cinema, (first big film Ninja Turtles)and oh, that little company Sam Walton started... etc, etc, etc......

Forums Administrator


Ability is what you're capable of doing...
Motivation determines what you do...
Attitude determines how well you do it. (Lou Holtz)



Seasoned Expediter
>oh, that little
>company Sam Walton started... etc, etc, etc......

If you would of boughten 100 shares of the IPO of that you would be making a 6 figure income just on divivends not to forget the millions it would be worth. I figured it out one day with all the spilts and what not.


Expert Expediter
I dont think the stock will start of with an initial price of .01 like mentioned. I will have to save up some loot and then get on this stock and see where the ride takes me. Dont be afraid to sell when its high and starting to drop. Once it drops back down buy some more then hold onto that. I'm not 100% savy on the whole stock market but i do have some stocks and i know a thing or two about them. The company i work for offered stock a couple years ago and i talked to our controller quite abit and its very nerve racking on what they go through just to offer stock.

Also mention that this stock is to buy out the Holdings company and kinda become private again? Is this true, I hope to be driving for panther here in July and hearing that they have kinda been "bought out" kinda bothered me.

Please keep us updated with any new information, and i'll do the same if any news blows my way.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Penny stocks, such as this, are notoriously known for costing their investors plenty. Be very, very careful with penny stocks, in fact most knowledgeable people won't touch them with the proverbial 10 ft. pole. If I recall correctly, Wal-Mart IPOed at around $15, McDonalds at $22 and Microsoft at $27.50. At no times were these penny stocks. If you have money to invest go the mutual fund route, and investigate the fund(s) you want to buy in Morningstar's Report, available at any good library. Look for no load funds and set up a SEP for yourself to take advantage of the tax write offs. If you want to invest in individual trucking stocks probably the best are FEDEX, and UPS. JB HUNT TRANSPORT also seems to be a well run company. However, do the DUE DILIGENCE and INVESTIGATE AND RESEARCH any stock thoroughly. NEVER TAKE A BROKER"S RECOMMENDATION!! They are only salesman. A good start is Value Line Investment Survey, also available at any good library. This will provide you with the necessary number crunching that will help you make an informed decision. For the average person most wealth is accumulated very slowly, over a period of years of consistent, patient investing, whether paying off a mortgage while watching your home increase in value, or investing in mutual funds or individual stocks. For instance had you invested $2000 in 1980 in each of these 3 companies, Pepsi, Johnson and Johnson, and Phillip Morris (now Altria), with splits and reinvested dividends, you would be sitting on a total of $600,000 and a yearly income of $17,000 in dividends. If you insist on investing a certain amount in PENNY stocks, statistically you would be better spending the money buying lottery tickets.




Not a Member
I gotta go with DooWop on this one, I may eat crow later but being an expediter I have seen a little of the ebb and flow. Has there been a major announcement of a new product or service to be offered by PII? I may be too conservative but Penny stocks are risky. I like the little warm and fuzzy (proven) track records of the Wally worlds and the Fed Ex's.
Mike and Cyn


Seasoned Expediter
what does panther own the customers? I dont think so have you ever loaded at any customer and only seen panthers trucks there? they make money just off sales and marketing what do they invest in you? I was there for 2 years and I liked it.I made decent money there but not so much I need to invest in something thats not going to pay me pay your insurance,fuel,repairs,drivers,truck payments.

they answer the phone.

hell I would rather invest in that expediters retreat and hit golf balls at the tiger .

wake up in five years they have to pay off how many million dollars
why does everyone think there future is so bright they may have alot of owner ops but how many of you will be there in five first van # was 1130 in 1997 my first straight was 3266 whats the numbers now? I think my last truck was 3528.

of course they are going to invest in the recruiting to keep those number going up.I say more power to em but its hard enough to make a living out here.this is a penny stock and its worth about that just like the o/os they will try and sell a bunch to keep the numbers rolling. if everyone would cancel the leases the day of the ipo what would happen.when I was driving for them it seemed like every week I would meet someone who invested in a new truck a couple months back and was now going into bankruptcy because they couldnt make any the time I always wrote it off as a problem with the driver maybe he couldnt make his runs on time or turned down to many.but I would like to see a list of all the owners who ever signed on and see how many ended up busted and compare that to the few that make it more than 5 years.personaly I would like to see all owner/ops get authority and just join the alliance that would put us all on equal footing.