
Expert Expediter
Neverhome is right on, I drive for Landstar Express, I know that there are some agents with their own trucks but like Never said they are usually local ie. St Paul we deliver to their office then they take them into the outer reaches of MN and ND so we don't have to deadhead, they also go get those loads and bring them to us in their trucks, I Like That. Also landstar has over 40 agents that get us loads to and from all over the country, I work with about a dozen who like us and will give us loads, only because we are good, always on time and treat their customers properly. If I don't get a call from one I might from another, Their having trucks have never effected us.


Expert Expediter
I'm not sure where you worked before, but almost all trucking companies, expedite or not, have a high turnover rate. I will confess that I do not know about union companies, those drivers seem to hang in there, they are the only one's I've met who actually retired from working for the same company 25 or 30 years. The typical trucking company has a turnover rate of over 100%. They know that of any orientation within 2 weeks they will lose a certain percentage of the class and that if they are lucky they will keep 1 or 2 of any class for a year.

High turnover is just the nature of the beast. Not so much in Expedite, but a lot of people in trucking either came from other careers, or could never hold a job outside of trucking because they did not play well with others on a day to day basis. Trucking offers the ability not to have to work with the same people daily except maybe for a dispatcher and that is by phone or by satellite.

Panther isn't any worse than the rest of the expediting companies. You just have to decide what you are willing to live with and go with it. A lot of people in those orientations are coming from OTR jobs and expect to get OTR miles for expedite pay. When that doesn't happen they leave. As for working for contractors many may be using it as a tool to see if they like expediting before they actually make the investment for themselves.


Expert Expediter
First of all I do not currently work for PII, but was previously leased to them for over 3 years.

Of course we heard the rumors that so and so was part of a dispatcher's lease and even knew one of the dispatchers who had a fleet of his own. In no way do I think it is right for a dispatcher to have his own fleet, however, I also know he was not a great contractor and himself had trouble keeping drivers and in the orientation I was in he had a team in there and they quit before they left orientation and went to work for a different fleet owner because he would not even nail down a definite contract.

The flip side is that only a handful of trucks are getting special treatment because they have the right connections. They are on dedicated runs and yes, it burns when they are sitting at Seville and you know they are going to CA and turn around and come back. Sweet deal. But wait your turn and you will get good loads too. If you want to run dedicated and be home every week or so, then expediting is not for you.


Expert Expediter
Heres the scoop guys!!
Ive been through the PII orientation 4 times in the last 6 years Ive driven for several owners (vans and straights)
2 of the owners I drove for were PII employees, 1 was in "safety" and YES 1 was a dispatcher. Its fairly easy to hide the fact that you own trucks at all if theyre listed under a corp. name or wifes name or father in laws name.
Did I get dispatched around other trucks? YES
Did other trucks receive cancelled loads or "dry runs" because I wanted their load? Yes
Granted, Im not an o/o. Nor do I intend to be. So Yes I would work for them again. And actually I ran just as good for the other owners as I did for the ones in dispatch, simply because theyve been around Panther long enogh to know how to work it.
Panther does have the freight. But the simple fact is this..
Any owner who is leased with panther that insists dispatchers cannot operate and or dispatch their own trucks is in a serious state of denial. Its quite a lucritive business from the inside to own trucks as well as dispatch them. I wont discuss specifics here but anyone curious enough to Need to know exactly how Preffered a dispatchers truck really is plz feel free to contact me personally. [email protected]


Expert Expediter
I know of the safety person that owns trucks but I can absolutely guarantee that not one dispatcher owns any trucks. Their company policy is that no dispatcher can own a truck. I do know this for certain. As for the safety owner getting preferrential treatment of their trucks...not true either. I know this employee personally and also can state that the dispatchers do not have the time nor care who owns what truck. They just want the freight covered no matter who does it. If a dispatcher wants to own a truck they either must resign with Panther or go into another dept that has no direct dealing with the trucks.


Veteran Expediter
KW Express
o/o till i die

If I had an operation like panther I wouldnt mind dispatchers owning trucks.

Why not put the added stress on them.I know if they screwed up my customer I would like them in hands reach


Expert Expediter
I have no intention of argueing this point scooter. And as I clearly stated earlier theres a fine line between owning a truck and dispatching a truck owned by your "wife, father etc.." I have nothing to gain by declareing I drove for a MAIN dispatcher. As a matter of fact the company lurkers here may even reckognise my screen name and blacklist me. I personally dont much care. It doesnt take much effort to start an LLC company appoint your father in law as CEO call it "windy city express" and claim ignorance of owning any trucks. I wont argue the point further,believe what you will. The drivers and contractors here that read this are smart enough to know exactly what Im saying,and that I benefit in no way by telling my story here.


Expert Expediter
As a lurker I couldn't help but respond to Floyd's err.. Axis's post. P2 owns no trucks... none. No Panther II operations employee owns trucks... none. His contention that he was receiving preferential treatment is absurd and could grow beyond this forum if he persists.
Fact: He worked for 3 owners not "several".
Fact: He hasn't worked at P2 for almost a year.
Fact: He has worked off and on for 4 years not 6.
Fact: of the 4 years he has worked less that 3.
Fact: the fleet owner he claims to have received preferential treatment while driving for he was with less than 2 months. If it was such a gravy train Floyd, I mean Axis, why did you get off? Blow some more smoke if you feel the need. Facts make a great fan for clearing the air.


Expert Expediter
If I didn't know any better, I'd think that this information was coming from a Panther "insider".


Expert Expediter
Sounds to me that he knows for certain what he's talking about,insider or not. Sure blew up Axis'claims. I can appreciate honesty much more than smoke and mirrors. If Axis claims preferrential treatment then please go into detail of just how you know this for certain. I for one am curious.


Expert Expediter
>As a lurker I couldn't help but respond to Floyd's err..
>Axis's post. P2 owns no trucks... none. No Panther II
>operations employee owns trucks... none. His contention that
>he was receiving preferential treatment is absurd and could
>grow beyond this forum if he persists.

This is an anonomouse moderated forum. A "safe" place for drivers to exchange information and opoinions. I think the moderator needs to bann this user for giving out private information without permision, if this information is to be correct. And threatening to persue action beyond this forum.


Veteran Expediter
I doubt that's necessary. Axis' name is right in his profile. However, that is undignified using it in such a cheesy way. From the look of things, Axis and bigguy aren't drinking buddies, so a first name basis probably isn't appropriate.


Expert Expediter
you did the right thing. it took me over 3 years to wise up. just started with another company yesterday. I even got 21.6 fsc on a 288 mile ron @.80 a mile. Panther held to many of my checks. Still holding one for over 500.00. Wasn't going to say anything about them after i quit. But when i called them today about my last check that pi__ed me off. I would never go back. They are not a company decitaded to their drivers that is why they have a high turnover.GET SMART GET OUT befor you're working for DHL


Expert Expediter
Talk about smoke and mirrors....
Ive had loads cancelled and dry runs that didnt make sense....
On one in particular, I called the shipper and asked if there was anything we could do to regain the load. They had no idea of what I was talking about and expected a Panther truck there shortly....

Ever had a switch load cancell??? I have, now thats peculiar....
I called dispatch to find out just how a switch load cancells......
The guy told me that the switch was needed becuase the driver (a solo) had run out of hours. Then he went on to tell me that they had decided to bump the delivery time to give the driver time to recover some hours. Yeah...right... an expedite company calling a customer to ask if they can deliver late.......
Comeon... there is some monkey shine going on here.....
Cant say its because of preferrantial treatment or not....
But it sure smells suspicious!!!!

BTW... Im leased to Panther... go figure!


Expert Expediter
>Talk about smoke and mirrors....
>Ive had loads cancelled and dry runs that didnt make
>On one in particular, I called the shipper and asked if
>there was anything we could do to regain the load. They had
>no idea of what I was talking about and expected a Panther
>truck there shortly....
>Ever had a switch load cancell??? I have, now thats
>I called dispatch to find out just how a switch load
>The guy told me that the switch was needed becuase the
>driver (a solo) had run out of hours. Then he went on to
>tell me that they had decided to bump the delivery time to
>give the driver time to recover some hours. Yeah...right...
>an expedite company calling a customer to ask if they can
>deliver late.......
>Comeon... there is some monkey shine going on here.....
>Cant say its because of preferrantial treatment or not....
>But it sure smells suspicious!!!!
>BTW... Im leased to Panther... go figure!

I've spoke to their switch desk and customers alike. Sometimes customer do give extra time to let the driver get his/her hrs back because the customer may not want the freight touched by a cross dock. I too had loads cancelled,many times it's a third party that cancels it out for whatever reason. I found a lot of times the shipper is usually out of the loop. Not everything that happens is a conspiracy theory as many on here seem to think it is. That is why I used to spend a lot of time with the dispatchers so I could see exactly what was happening and why things happened. I suggest y'all do the same.


Expert Expediter
>you did the right thing. it took me over 3 years to wise up.
>just started with another company yesterday. I even got 21.6
>fsc on a 288 mile ron @.80 a mile. Panther held to many of
>my checks. Still holding one for over 500.00. Wasn't going
>to say anything about them after i quit. But when i called
>them today about my last check that pi__ed me off. I would
>never go back. They are not a company decitaded to their
>drivers that is why they have a high turnover.GET SMART GET
>OUT befor you're working for DHL

Industry avg for turnover is 130%...Panther has 60% turnover from a publication I read.


Veteran Expediter
tiredofsittin... I'm guessing from your name you're a single driver. It's been said numerous times on the forum that the bigger companies are team oriented. If you're thinking of a move, check the posts (including archives) to find one more fitting a single driver.


Expert Expediter
Axis,after i red your post,that,s all i can say:

We need people of character like you;to tell the truth on his name.
You didn,t criticize the Panther,s dispatcher,s or employee for havin their own trucks leased on with Panther;by contrary you said you,d drive again for them;the only sad part here is somebody been pissed of because of lyes ,masckings,and hidden actions;i bet they feel like stealin just because they hidding it.Landstar agents put it on daylight and everybody is happy.Why dry runs? Why cancelled loads?Many of those could be avoided,and we all have more blessing all around,in our midst.
I don,t believe it but let us know if you get into "something" besides this forum;we need to know about you.



Gary and Linda

Expert Expediter
Hey Bob
This was one of the best posts I've seen on this, or any other site. This gets you a big "Atta Boy" as far as I'm concerned--very relalistic and down to earth.