Panther II policy update

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I recently took a 8 day vacation, so like a good boy, I took myself out of service. When I returned, I was given a run to Ill. Along the way, I asked my wife if my settlement statement had arrived for the runs which were due to pay. When she told me no, I called Contractor Relations. The told me that it was policy to hold settlements when drivers were off for more that two weeks. I did not agree with this policy since I had not been informed of it's existence until then. I finally got my money, but it wasn't easy.

I have sent email to Panther requesting that this policy be explained to me an other drivers, but have gotten no response thus far. If your money is being held, do they stop taking deductions for Qc, Insurance, and workers comp? Why do we have an escrow account? And, am I the only contractor who has not been informed of this policy.


Bob and Hooligan


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I've never heard of that and how is 8 days off more than two weeks?

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
For now on LIE... If they are gona treat you that way than run your business accordingly. That is unfair and more important unprofessional. Reading Panther II???????


Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
You got me Leo. I always thought 2 weeks would be 14 days. If I could get ahold of someone who would explain it to me, I wouldn't have to post here>

Maybe they will read this and reply to my questions.

Bob and Hooligan


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I haven't had that issue, but I was told prior to taking a extended period of time off, you have to request(via contractor relations) your check. From a legal standpoint, they must pay within 15 days.
If it is something else, then I am not sure.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, I realize it's been a long time since I was in school and I especially realize I don't know everything but I'm pretty darn sure that what I learned of 7 days is one week and 14 days is two weeks is still valid. That would mean you'd have to take off 15 days not 8 days to be over two weeks. Then again, I have heard something about new math as well as a redefining of what sex is and isn't so maybe this isn't valid anymore either.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
They have done the same thing to us. Took a couple of calls , and some begging to get the $2,000.00. They told me they wanted to make sure that they did not get stuck for the $200.00 we would owe for deductions.

Boy do I wish they had e-mail that they would answer.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Although you are right about your math R-H in the corporate world some count one minuet into a new week, as a full week (not my roles). Depending upon what day you took your vaca, looks like how they are counting it. If the pay week ends on Saturday and you went out of service Friday that is counted as one week, then 5 days off from the second week (most corps only count working days M thru F) then reported back on duty Monday morning 3 weeks later.

By now you know these companies all of then, do what they want, when they want. Know doubt you made someone jealous because you took a vaca at will, and the person that decided to hold your ck wasn't allowed.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The strangest part of this is I took a month off when my daughter got married. The checks kept coming in the first 3 weeks of it because of the net 15 day thing. When I went back out the checks started as soon as the net 15 day time was up. They didn't delay or hold anything, just ran it the usual net 15 method.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
The interesting thing about this situation is that it hurts the company more than it does the drivers and owners. If they would respond to questions and problems in a timely fashion it would benefit the company. Panther isn't the only company who has grown too fast. After awhile, they think it was all because of their great management style.

Drivers become numbers instead of the people who have the most point of contact with the customer. An MBA will tell the company that they need a truck on every corner. After all, it doesn't cost the company anything to add trucks. In the meantime, the drivers is starving for lack of work. Recruiting has a harder time getting drivers because their main source of refurals has nothing good to tell a prospect.

Drivers refuse to help out with marginal runs, because they know they aren't appreciated.

The company should take a look at acceptance a few years ago, and now. I think they will find that it is dropping. We need to be paid fairly and have our concerns addressed.

Well that's enough from my soapbox. What do you think?

Bob and Hooligan


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
>Well that's enough from my soapbox. What do you think?
>Bob and Hooligan

Hey Bob, you forgot to mention if they (Panther) sent Hooligan's check out or not.

After all he is the Captain of that ship, and I know those folks at Panther wouldn't want to get that killer dog mad.

My thoughts are the ck goes to Hooligan and he forgot to forward your cut to the wife. ;) LOL!!!

To reply to your post, I agree with you 100%

The sad thing is these employees, and managers running the shop seem to forget who it is making the money that pays their wages.

Here is a quote I have in our letter to prospective drivers,
"You, the driver, are the key to the success of this concept. All companies say that, but not all companies mean it. For us it is a fact. You will interact with our customers (and their customers) daily. Consequently, you must be professional in attitude, appearance and conduct, and must perform your duties in a manner consistent with established policies."

I can't count the number of times I had to reprimand a CSR or a dispatcher, because they forget this and treat the driver like @#$$#@
Too bad, these 'larger fast-pace' company owners put so much trust in those running the show (the managers). Why is it those (drivers) who are the ones making the money for these owners seem to get treated the worst?

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member

Very good statement in your contract. I think all of these companies once had something like that in their mission statements. As time passes and they have grown, apparently the drivers have become less and less important in their eyes.

A good guide for business as well as life is to treat others the way you want to be treated.

Well, we will continue to do the job as we have in the past. However, unless something changes, I hope they won't expect any favors.

The views expressed are those of Hooligan, and do not neccessarly reflect those of Bob

Hooligan and Bob


Veteran Expediter
This stuff is typical in the IT industry. I almost took a Bank to court for breach contract over not being paid as agreed to in the contract. I was done with the assignment (which was signed completed by the president of the bank) and they simply refused to pay me.

What a number of companies want are dumb contractors, people who will not complain when something happens and can be let go before they get wise to the game. Sometimes companies get lucky, treat all contractors the same and no one complains. Other times, like Microsoft, they get greedy, get caught and have to pay.

What does your contract say about hold backs and such? I mean is it clearly in the contract that if you are on vacation or absent longer than x days they put your payment on hold? Was it discussed in orientation?

I am reading mine again tonight.

Are you aware of the contractor policies of the company, for example are you given new policies when they are approved or are you left with “there was a new policy about that written last week, didn’t you read the bulletin board?” stuff. I was reprimanded about violating a policy that was in draft form, ironic.

Remember we are all “independent” contractors, not employees and there are more things that any company needs to watch with contractors than if we were employees. If by chance you are treated like an employee, like having your pay held back or being forced to do something outside of the scope of your contracted job like picking up a manager’s spouse, then you may have a case to have the court decide and may enjoy back wages and benefits. The word independent is lost with some companies.

Well that’s my 2¢


Expert Expediter
Since I started investigating getting into the field of expediting one thing is for certain, there are a bunch of companies hiring O/Os and maybe this is the reason, but dont let them treat you like an employee, go to another company that appreciates you as a business owner, trust me the other thing i learned is they cant operate with out us.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Only problem with us who stick to our guns and take a stand is there is always someone who will jump in and take our place. I saw the light 10 years ago and told all those companies who treated me like an employee where to go, but I see they are still finding drivers to fill my shoes.

I do hope I'm still around when the day comes, that all the drivers take a stand and tell the companies they had enough of their BS.

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I didn't expect the response to my original post. The management at the company read these forums, so keep your comments coming.

The interesting thing is that I probably wouldn't have posted a message if they would have responded to my call and emails I made directly to the company.

I would quit, but the thought of working for a living scares me.

Bob and Hooligan


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I agree with you Teacel.
I regret to say that day will never come. There is endless supply of new drivers coming from all over the world, that are happy to be here and will not cause any problems.
The major Co.'s know this,and that is why people are treated poorly.
It is easier to get rid of an I/C than an employee. The Govt. has some protections established for employees.


Veteran Expediter
I always get sent to voice mail when I call.Its awful hard to resolve problems when you can't talk to a real person.Maybe we need to send them a mission statement something like: CUSTOMER SERVICE IS MY GOAL AND COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY.Please pick up the phone.Or maybe we could start giving them a failure to respond.LOL
In my opinion this is a lack of team work and is the most irritating problem with this company.I don't call unless I have a problem that is going to effect them. I understand that they are a large company and that I'm not the only O/O that they have to deal with but, I'm discovering it isn't just me they ignore.Can't wait for them to fix this problem then maybe expediting will be fun again.
Thanks and have a good one.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Byran, I know a company where you can talk to a carbon-based life form with the push of one button.

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
well, I got a responce. Appartetly, the reason they hold checks is to protect their investment in Qualcom etc. Apparently, our escrow is not suficient to pany for the equipment. Would seem that the way to fix that would be to increase the escrow.

I don't care. I just will not take myself out of service. When they call, I will just refuse the loads. That will benefit them as they will have extra work and thus job security.

You know, I wonder if they hold employees checks when they go on vacation. Who knows how many paperclips they could be stealing!

Bob and Hooligan