Panther Board Position



RE: zip codes

I have one week in Detroit and what I got from Panther was a random drug test and alcohol ...not even one offer


Expert Expediter
Revisiting the board position issue, LBD on another thread stated that Panthers board position is based on Latitude/Longitude not Zip Code. If this were the case, it would explain board positions changing if you move a shord distance. True false. At any rate, the
change is causing a lot of dissention and frustration.


Expert Expediter
RE: zip codes

Remus, I hope you went to line 4 on your log while you were p--ing. If not they will hit you for it.
I've known about the zip code for several months. This supposedly (supposably) is being corrected with new software. The idea is to allow drivers to move within a fifty mile radius of a board. I believe using the center of the downtown zip code as the axis. The number of available vehicles on that board is also going to be virtually correct.
As far as who gets what load, like the adult diaper, depends on a lot of variables. The main one is dispatcher. Some are lazy, some are lacking in knowledge of what "first in, first out", means.
Dave brought up a good point in 'time to load". Could be 3 hours to pick up and the load goes to number one on board, 49 miles from pickup. That driver fails to respond or he responds near the end of time frame, (arbitrarily, 15 minutes), chats with dispatch then refuses load. Now maybe its 2 hours from pickup and dispatch may then go to closest to load. Maybe it's the last in, number10. He takes the job. First asked loses his place and drops to bottom. everybody else moves up one, just as if first asked took job.
As long as people are involved the system will err by design, but at least you can talk to people and sometimes get an answer. I am ok with the everchanging system, but sometimes dispatchers really confuse me. I say that with the knowledge I have talked to some really intelligent and helpful dispatchers and that keeps it good for me.