Panetta admits Iran not developing nuclear weapons


Veteran Expediter
Do the hawks love bloodshed this much?
No .... but the Neoconmunists™ sure do - and they would be chickenhawks, not real hawks anyways ....

After all, lying the nation into war, and perpetual war, is part of the divine (and God-less) Neocommie philosophy ... as promulgated by their (atheist) prophet Leo Strauss.
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Veteran Expediter
Israel is perfectly capable of fighting their own battles, we have our own problems to worry about. If Israel is that worried about a nuclear Iran, then use their military might and throw a nuke at 'em. Quit involving the U.S. and using us to do their dirty work :rolleyes:

If you're a Republican and you vote for anyone other than Ron Paul, we will be in the exact same place we were 10 years ago. WMD's anyone? :rolleyes:

It's like the friggen' movie Groundhog Day!