Veteran Expediter
How about nominations for Owner of the Year?A friend of mine went to work for a fleet owner with another friend,a hungry,but intelligent, rookie. They got a Purple Promise Award after a few months. Then the owner bought a T-Val truck for this team. He persnally told me they were doing VERY GOOD numbers.Then friend 1 goes home sick. Friend 2 continues in unit solo.A week later Owner calls #2 and says #1 is too ill to ever drive again. You've got 10 days to find a partner,cause I need a team in that truck.3 days later he calls, Hey, I found a team so you are done. Friend 2 is mature enough to say "That's business" and runs solo to fill the terms of her contract.She brings him the truck to his location on the proper day,washed,cleaned inside ,and with a fresh PM. She moves on. Friend 1 just called.As she was the sole bread winner for the family ,every nickel is important. She was excited that she got her escrow money back, minus a penalty FOR NOT GIVING HIM TEN DAYS NOTICE THAT SHE WAS LEAVING THE TRUCK !!! Don't know how he can sleep at night !