Aren't you considered 'for hire' even if you, as an owner-operator, are leased on with a carrier?
Wouldn't the mileage rate only be deductible as an expense if you used your own vehicle as an employee in the course of doing business for your employer?
And isn't there something about it having to be your 'personal' vehicle, as opposed to a 'commercial' vehicle?
pjjjjj <===== confused
HI All,
Drivers of Cargo Vans have used the standard mileage rate for years, and 95-98% have not been audited due to this deduction. What it boils down to is to Most of you Owners out there have in there Leases stating that the Company (leasing company) has EXCLUSIVE USE of your vehicle and they tell you where, what and when has to be picked up and delivered.
In November of 1997, A Cheif Council Memo was Issued pertaining to the Standard Mileage Deduction, CCM#1997-40 and it could not be disallowed based on what was stated in the Lease.Since a lot of drivers do not have another form of vehicle, it is also considered there persona vehicle. I will have a copy available at the Expo for you to have, I have tried to copy and paste it into e-mails but it has not worked yet.
Of the 2-5% of the drivers that were audited for this deduction, the standard mileage rate was allowed.
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