Our sovereignty is being....


Veteran Expediter
....lost by our president

I awoke this morning to an email in my box with a link to this article “Bush, Texas at Odds Over Death Caseâ€, AP


And want to know what the h*ll is going on here.

We have a state, Texas who has convicted and about to execute a Mexican who murdered 2 girls after raping them as part of a gang is now facing halting this execution and possibly retrying him and others because the president is siding in a rare moment the world court who said that his rights were violated because he was not offered under Miranda his access to the Mexican consulate.

This mind you is the same world court that has not condemned things happening in Africa or the Middle East and wanted to try US soldiers for war crimes – just to put it in perspective.

Mexico sued the US in world court over this and 50 other convicted criminals who should be put to death, removing our rights to protect ourselves as a sovereign nation. The president has decided to side with the international court instead of the citizens of the US on this issue but apparently only on this issue - time will tell if that is really true.

To me it is not simply a matter of enforcing a decision from a court that has overstepped it boundary but rather a more complex issue of why is any access given to Mexican nationals in the first place under our Miranda laws when it clearly circumvents our rights as a country and further when there is no access given to US citizens in other countries under this treaty, like Mexico.

In addition when you look at the entire Mexican problem we are faced with the dismantling of our country by our leaders and some of the actions of Bush and the Justice Department are in fact grounds for impeachment but no one wants to tackle the issue because they will be deemed racists. So I assume like other issues of race, words are more important than principles and rights.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is definitely a problem and we need to make drastic changes in the mentality of this nation. The world is a great place in many respects. I like a lot of the world. I am not a worldian though, I am a Texan. First and foremost I am a Texan. That also makes me an American. My allegiance is to MY nation, not any other. Citizens are the ones ones who should be covered by all the rights afforded under the Constitution. Outsiders not in violation of any law should be treated the same as any other citizen, until they violate the law. At that point, their rights cease to exist. They are criminals without rights. No court outside our nation has any authority over our nation. Anyone who would suggest so has insufficient allegiance to our nation. Unfortunately there is nowhere to banish them to and nobody that can or will do it.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
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Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
May the Busch Bashing Begin. And I cannot believe I am saying this. He is no friend to Americans, Conservatives, and especially those in Trucking or those Girls Parents.

I expected much more Honor and care about U.S. Citizens. What is his motives??? I just do not understand where he is comming from.

Hope Tcall does not see this, the bump on my head already hurts.


Veteran Expediter
Actually Broom, there is no bashing here. The issue is clear, we have a serious problem with an invasion and the president is in many way supporting it for some reason no one has yet been able to explain.

From the border guard/sheriff mess to the wild US District Attorney to the need to justify allowing people to break the law to not enforcing the constitution is all in my eyes reason for impeachment.

Maybe we need to stop electing people from Texas because it seems that with LBJ and GWB there has been two very significant changes in the way we look at poverty and immigration resulting in the determent of the country.


Expert Expediter
It is to late my friends, there is no politician that will stand up for this or any other issue that involves race. This country is imploding. It pains me to say that but it is true. :( :( :(

Its not gun control
Its people control


Veteran Expediter
Not only is the US soverign, but in my oponion Texas is a soverign state. If you ask me each state is soverign. I belive in state's rights. No one will ever change that. I think there is a need for federal government, but I think we have a federal government that is to powerful. Think about it. The federal government says "Oh we have to spend taxpayer money to send to Africa to help fight poverty. You know what? Forget Africa for once. What about my fellow Arkansans who are living in poverty? If you go to the Mississippi River Delta there is poverty all over, but no one cares. All we hear is about Darfur. I think the first people to get help from Arkansas after people who live in Arkansas is people in surrounding states. Then when everyone is US is taken care of then we can try to help Africa. If you think I'm a racist then you are badly mistaken. I just belive we need to quit taking on other countries problems and quiting letting people across our border. that's legally or illegally.


Veteran Expediter
How can they know to ask them to talk to the Mexican consulate if they aren't allowed to ask their nationality?

I can see where this diplomatic mumbo jumbo comes in. The problem isn't that this guy killed, it's that he was here in the first place. When you can get the protection from the US constitution, plus international protection, he11... I wish I were illegal too! But yes... he should've been asked if he wanted to consult his country.

Bush didn't start this mess... but he's definitely instigating it! Makes me wish this year will go by fast. I just want to see him out of there!

-True independence can only be gained if you're trully independant.