Our Pets are funny little people!


OVM Project Manager
Living out west with the pheasants running across the lawn as a normal occurance, I was tickled this morning with my long haired, black, 20# male house cat..notably named Birdie for the way that he chirps. Well Birdie was out for his morning stroll when a couple of pheasants decided to come calling (they cluck like a hen too). In his infinite wisdom he decided to go bird hunting...
After chasing them up the hill and around the garage they finally quit playing with him and flew away and he came home empty handed, but not for want of trying!
He's pretty fast when he wants to be..but the one thing he hasn't figured out is how to do is to sprout wings and fly!:D


Veteran Expediter
We miss seeing Pheasants here..Almost a thing of the past, So much so that instead of going Pheasant hunting we call it going for a walk..Really wish they could make a come back like when I was a kid..
Watching the dogs work always was the best part of the day..


OVM Project Manager
We miss seeing Pheasants here..Almost a thing of the past, So much so that instead of going Pheasant hunting we call it going for a walk..Really wish they could make a come back like when I was a kid..
Watching the dogs work always was the best part of the day..

I guess they moved out of the civilized world and out to the wild wild west..they are thick out here.


Veteran Expediter
I know they are..I have a brother that makes the trip out your way every few years..Not sure exactly where but I do remember him talking about the sugar beet farms and how hard it is to push those fields.

I gotta believe its the farming practices up here and predators that have taken its toll on our birds for the most part..So many fields near me have gone into hay crops and no one is using flushing bars or delaying getting into the fields just a few more weeks to give the nest a lil time.
I gotta believe it hasn't been the winters since its been so long since we really had a hard long winter. With the right cover/greenbelt Pheasants can be a hardy bird in the winter.

I really hate to say this to you but cats are a problem also..I know you like cats and so do I, But I like 1 or 2. Not house cats that are left unattended. Where I duck hunt the neighbor (small cattle farmer) has over 40 barn cats and with no mice left to hunt they head into the feilds..not the cats fault I know..


OVM Project Manager
I know they are..I have a brother that makes the trip out your way every few years..Not sure exactly where but I do remember him talking about the sugar beet farms and how hard it is to push those fields.

I gotta believe its the farming practices up here and predators that have taken its toll on our birds for the most part..So many fields near me have gone into hay crops and no one is using flushing bars or delaying getting into the fields just a few more weeks to give the nest a lil time.
I gotta believe it hasn't been the winters since its been so long since we really had a hard long winter. With the right cover/greenbelt Pheasants can be a hardy bird in the winter.

I really hate to say this to you but cats are a problem also..I know you like cats and so do I, But I like 1 or 2. Not house cats that are left unattended. Where I duck hunt the neighbor (small cattle farmer) has over 40 barn cats and with no mice left to hunt they head into the feilds..not the cats fault I know..

Oh indeed they are killers..but they don't often tackle something so big. All my cats are rescued, neutered, fat and sassy and sleep in a warm house..but they do take care of business in keeping things mouse free...*lol*


Veteran Expediter
How many ya got?
Let me know when hubby is in Taylor..Ill gather up a few more for ya to rescue. :D

Cats can be a kewl critter. But like I said,, 1 or 2 at a time tho..LOL


OVM Project Manager
How many ya got?
Let me know when hubby is in Taylor..Ill gather up a few more for ya to rescue. :D

Cats can be a kewl critter. But like I said,, 1 or 2 at a time tho..LOL

oh oh no no way! I rescued about 25 of them last year and they cost a small fortune until I found someone that wanted "barn cats"

I'm done...your turn..*lol*