Glad you waited.
Wish I was younger. If I would build one more truck I could really get it right.
For anyone building a new truck, this is one of the best questions you can ask of a driver who has built a truck before. "What would you do different?" Diane and I asked many drivers that when we were thinking through our truck build. The answers were very informative.
So, Zorry, what would you do different to really get it right if you were to build a truck again?
In our case, the answer is "not much." There are a few minor tweaks we would make to the sleeper, but they would not apply in the next build because we would put our present sleeper on the new truck, thereby saving the price of a new sleeper.
Actually, only two sleeper tweaks come to mind. We would not purchase again the decorative rope lighting that runs along the bottom edge of the kitchen counter. That thing has not been turned on for more than an hour total in the seven years we have had the truck.
We would also look to move the controls for the roof heat/AC unit to the control panel near the head of the bed. The unit we spec'ed in the build was one that ARI did not typically use at the time and the controls are on the unit itself.
As I think about it more, a third change would be to the kitchen sink cover. It is a change I believe ARI has already made, such that when put in place, the cover sits recessed in the sink so the surface is flush with the counter top. The outside edges of our cover extend beyond the inside edges of the sink so the cover itself sits slightly above the counter surface.
We could have this corrected now by having a new cover made. Like I said, these are minor tweaks, and this one is so minor that it has not been worth the cost to change. The cover as it is does the job.
That's pretty good, if I may say so myself. We spec'ed the sleeper seven years ago, and after that much use, those are the changes we would make to it if a replacement was built. But there would not be a replacement because our old sleeper would go on the new truck.
Our ARI sleeper is a delightful piece of equipment and one of the most satisfying purchases we have ever made.